Which one? There're two links. I can see maybe one or two in the first link whose chin/jaw region from the front profile looks a bit off on one side, but most of them look the same from what they originally were, slightly asymmetrical or not, to me.. I think I'm going to end up choosing a terrible surgeon..
to clarify, there is a lot of asymmetry in the "amazingfaces" patients. I don't think that degree of asymmetry is acceptable post-op, even if it was(especially) existent presurgery.
And the second link, the reynolds patients have all received horrible nosejobs(most of them) though his jaw surgery results seem adequate.
In my experience there are really only one or two really well-known accomplished maxillofacial surgeons in any state. Like the head of maxillofacial surgery at the major university near where I live told me there are only two docs he would even allow me to have my surgery with if I chose to stay in area (and this is a major city). So I really think you need to do a bit of research and get several opinions on the surgeon, see a bunch of before and afters, talk to other patients, compare treatment plans etc. You should basically do this with any elective surgery.