Author Topic: committed to surgery today with Arnett!!  (Read 5374 times)


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committed to surgery today with Arnett!!
« on: July 10, 2012, 01:38:23 PM »
Hi guys,
so the check went in the mail to Arnett's office today. I'm hoping to get a late sept/Oct date. It's kind of an unstoppable train now and I've decided to just trust him and be positive. I posted on the other jaw surgery blog ages ago when I was trying to decide, but if you didn't see that then here is the story of my jaw woes (sorry it's long):
Aged 7 I broke my mandible on the left side. No one, including me, seemed to realize how my face became asymmetrical after this. I just recently found childhood photos of just before and after the accident and my god, the difference is so clear. I'd post them right now but I don't think I can from an ipad (??If I can, does anyone know how?)
At age 11 I had two upper molars extracted, plus a single tooth from the front of my lower. I also had braces, headgear, wisdom teeth extractions and a palate expander as my incisors were way up high with nowhere to go in my narrow jaw. A mixture of genetics and the accident really conspired against me here, as my narrow jaw got narrower, and my mouth breathing worsened.
My regular dentist said I technically had an underbite although my teeth had been bent inwards to fit by then. He said I would benefit from surgery. My mum and I said that sounded horrible and it wasn't mentioned again.
At 28 my teeth had all moved sideways and I got invisalign, even though they warned me my midline would still be 'off' afterwards. I was also told at this point that mouth-breathing can lead to a load of other issues later in life and is generally not good news for the soft tissues of your mouth and throat.
At 33 I asked my dentist why I still looked so asymmetrical (this got worse as my teeth were straightened since I lost lip support). She said my  teeth were canted but not my jaw. I got lingual braces.
At 35 my ortho left and a new guy arrived. Finally an expert! He said I needed surgery. I was insulted initially, then releived to be offered a solution to my long, asymmetrical, narrow face that I have always covered with my hand. My whole life I have had comments from people about my unusual face shape. My cheeks are flat, even though the cheek bones are visibly there at the sides. I have a gummy smile, prominent lower jaw. The whole bit. I HATE taking photos.
So now after consulting with a couple of different people, I am going with Arnett. His plan is as follows:
3-piece le fort, upper impacted 5mm with CCW rotation, moved forward 2mm, BSSO (auto-rotated up and moved back, not sure how far yet) and genio with Hydroxy whatsit bone grafts to my cheeks and lower jaw to widen it. I'm almost ready orthodontically - just need my lower arch restored to pre-ortho shape and one incisor brought down a bit. Can't wait as I currently look awful and am convinced the latest round of ortho has really aged me.
Thanks for listening everyone. I guess I just wanted to share with you all that the final decision was made today. I'm happy to post pictures if someone will tell me how...might have to wait to use my normal computer.


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Re: committed to surgery today with Arnett!!
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 03:30:40 PM »
Congrats as well.  I'm hoping for a surgery date before the year is up with A/G to fix a number of problems but asymmetry is one of them.  You can post pics with


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Re: committed to surgery today with Arnett!!
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 05:02:55 PM »
Great i'll upload once I get to a regular computer.
As for moving my incisor and returning the arch to its former position (one of them, anyway), I have questions for Dr Arnett yes, but I just decided that since I'm having surgery with him, I should surrender to his expertise. He is uncompromising and I doubt he'd take any sort of intervention from me and I like that about him. He's sure of his approach. A previous consult I had saw the surgeon agreeing to not widen my jaw since I had concerns orthodonically. But actually I would have preferred him to tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. With a surgery of this type, with so many variables, I just want to place 100% trust in my surgeon and know that I will just have to not question some stuff. The easy way out maybe, but also I believe I'm in good hands.


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Re: committed to surgery today with Arnett!!
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2012, 11:55:34 AM »
Do you have photos of your bite?


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Re: committed to surgery today with Arnett!!
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2012, 01:07:12 PM »
I know what you mean about the girl. I actually love her after pictures. She looks like the same person but just really really pretty. It shows how tiny adjustments can really change facial harmony so much. It's weird though like you I can't tell really how her jaws were moved except her upper forward a bit and her face is clearly shorter. I also like the guy because he still looks like himself - its subtle but way better.


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Re: committed to surgery today with Arnett!!
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2012, 02:28:36 PM »
Not trying to be negative but I think that guy should have been advanced more, his upper lip is still flat and face still kinda oblong. is still a huge improvement.  

I think the girl's result is fantastic though!  Great jaw definition while still looking feminine.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 03:29:51 PM by treevernal »