Author Topic: telling family  (Read 4785 times)


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telling family
« on: June 30, 2012, 06:06:24 PM »
So I finally got the go-ahead from work to take the necessary time off for surgery.  I told my surgeons office that I'm planning for mid-January 16th or 17th.  Now all I have to do is tell good old mom and dad.  I'm home this week for vacation and won't be home again until November, so this week is the time to do it.  They already know Im planning on it (they see my braces and we've talked about it)  but they've been hoping I'd reconsider and decide not to do it.  But now that I'm ready to set a date for surgery, I need to tell them it's def happening and I know theyre gonna be upset.  I know I'm an adult and can make my own decisions but I still feel bad stressing them out about it.  I'll let you guys know how it goes! 



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Re: telling family
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 09:47:24 PM »

I'm 28.  I've tried to educate them about it but they really just don't understand this surgery.  We actually had a funny convo awhile back about it where my mom and dad were warning me about people who were attractive before and shouldn't have had surgery.  They used Jennifer grey as an example (her career was over after her nose job) and my mom also mentioned Barry manilow to which my dad balked, "Barry manilow was never attractive!"  That made me lol. 

Being 100% honest, I first looked into this surgery because I wanted to improve my looks.  It wasn't until after I did research and went on a consult that I found out that my issues with my looks stemmed from underlying functional issues.  It was then that pursuing this surgery became so much more than being better looking but having an overall improvement in quality of life. 


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Re: telling family
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2012, 01:38:23 AM »
I can sort of relate. My dad was against me even getting a septoplasty to correct a severely deviated septum resulting from a nasal fracture. When I told him recently that I needed jaw surgery, his response was "you already had a nose job and now you're having a jaw surgery"?  ;D


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Re: telling family
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2012, 07:12:56 AM »
Well, finally told good old mom and dad that I am going through with surgery in January.  They weren't very happy but they seemed to accept that I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do.  They seemed reassured though that I knew so much about this surgery and Arnetts experience level.  So they know and I've told work and surgery will be January 16/17th :)


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Re: telling family
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2012, 07:56:20 AM »
@ Tree

I've always had a difficult time talking about my jaw issues with my parents.  They just don't seem to care much at all and whenever it is brought up, the subject is quickly changed.  My dad has literally never been to a doctor and my mom is a nurse and is just worried. Ultimately it is our choice and not the choice of our parents or family, although it would be nice if everyone involved was on board.  

They let you schedule a date that far in advance?  Did they assure you that you'll be ready by then?  Dr. G only requested 6 month models for me so I'm not entirely sure how far along I am. I'm almost at the 4 month mark.


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Re: telling family
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2012, 08:26:16 AM »
I havent officially booked it yet but I will be doing so in the next month to guarantee that date.  My ortho says I'm just about ready as is, and just need some tweaking.  A&Gs office said I could book earlier if I wanted to (not gonna earn much interest on my money between now and then anyway)  I figure this way I can plan ahead.

Thx for the comment about family; its nice to know I'm not the only one with family who doesn't get it. 


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Re: telling family
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2012, 10:29:38 AM »
i dont think i go 1 second without noticing of feeling something bad ITS EXHAUSTING  >:(


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Re: telling family
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2012, 09:21:03 PM »
Do either of you do any oral myology exercises?  There are ones that help that sort of problem a lot.   My son does them and no longer has that strain or chin dimpling when closing lips.  I really suggest it before surgery and then after healing from surgery to help keep the right oral posture etc.


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Re: telling family
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2012, 11:15:58 PM »
Do either of you do any oral myology exercises?  There are ones that help that sort of problem a lot.   My son does them and no longer has that strain or chin dimpling when closing lips.  I really suggest it before surgery and then after healing from surgery to help keep the right oral posture etc.

Hey Krista, Which exercises does he do?