I realize I can't get the answers I need without pictures, but it's so hard to post them for everyone to see. Would love to just hear some thoughts.
I had double jaw surgery with genioplasty in August to fix a severe overbite/recessed chin. My profile is a lot better, and I have a proper bite for the first time in my life, but so many things went wrong. I have a large bone bump on the angle of the right side of my lower jaw, which my surgeon plans to smooth down. My nose became noticeably crooked to the left such that my midline of my teeth appears way off, even though it's roughly centred on my face. The crooked nose causes my whole lower face to appear to pull to the right. My bottom lip is off by a couple millimetres to one side. (The midline of my lower teeth is some mm away from the centre of my lower lip, but the midlines of my teeth match when I bite down, so my bottom lip looks crooked when my mouth is closed and also when I speak. This is probably hard to picture without seeing it.)
I've also developed a cant of 1mm on both the upper and lower jaw. That sounds like a small amount, but it's noticeable both when I smile (more gum shows on one side) and when my mouth is closed (the right side of my jaw/chin appears lower than the left).
I saw my surgeon for the first time since August the other week, and he confirmed the cant (had been emailing him about the bump etc. and he didn't have much more to say). I didn't ask him the right questions - it's hard to process all this information so quickly, and I'm kind of an emotional/mental mess because of this. He says it's a great result, and when I'm listening to him and so emotionally vulnerable, I believe him. Then I come home and see all of these problems again and I feel so helpless. He said he could redo the surgery on both jaws to fix the cant, but he wouldn't recommend it. No idea about whether it would be covered or what the risks would be or how this cant might be affecting the lower lip. These are all of the questions I need to ask him when I see him again this week.
I don't know what advice I need in the meantime, but I need advice. Would you settle for canted jaws after surgery? Is this cant the reason I have joint discomfort nearly five months in? Am I severely, severely depressed because of body dysmorphia or is this to be expected when things go wrong after surgery? Everyone tells me I look great - my surgeon calls it a great result both functionally and aesthetically - but I am far more asymmetrical than before the surgery, and I think it all looks so strange. I don't know what to do.