Before/After Photos > Overbites

4mm max genioplasty

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So I thought I'd spin off another thread over here in overbites.  I'm finding this topic quite interesting/encouraging as I myself will be having a 3-4 mm genioplasty, which I thought was small.  But CK had mentioned on more than one post that Arnett/Gunson do a 4mm MAXIMUM genioplasty (I'm assuming advancement).  

Any information or explanation as to why this is the case?

I have an extremely shallow labiomental groove, so I think I would need a significant larger genioplasty. I also don't want to end up with a prominent jaw and a weak chin, because that tends to look really bad. The opposite -- slightly recessed jaw, prominent chin -- looks much better, in my opinion.

I have ZERO problem deferring to the surgeons in this case.  Honestly this information really puts me at ease!

Some perspective...the headphones that ship with an iPod has a jack that is 3 millimeters in diameter.  Although I have yet to experience it, I know millimeters are like miles on the face, and I'm having a hard time believing that this will make much of a difference and that going larger than this is "bad planning".

But then again, I'm not a doctor...I've only spent a few minutes a day reading on subject matter to which doctors devote their entire life.

But still!!!

any surgeons share the view that 4mm genio is the maximum, anything beyond is evidence of poor planning prior to surgery?


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