Before/After Photos > Underbites
Post Surgery for Le Fort 1 with pictures your feed back welcomed
backward lowerjaw:
I a new here. I had le fort 1 Surgery 7 days ago. I had my upper maxilla moved 4mm down and moved 4mm forward, you could not see my upper incisors previously when I talked or smiled.
The recovery was horrible for the first 4-5 day, not because of the pain as I was and still am numb but because of how uncomfortable it was not being able to breathe through my nose with it being clogged up.
I am still a bit tired and have spent most of the week in bed I can't open my jaw fully.
I have included photos I took for your feedback, I would appreciate you being honest and saying what you think I don't mind and believe this will help me.
Your thoughts would be appreciated.
You look great after 7 days. Here is some food for thought though. Do not make a final judge on your appearance at least until the 6 month mark. Also do you think another 1-2mm is going to make a huge difference to your face? Go grab a ruler and see miniscule it is...
It's too early to say whether your jaws are recessed. By the looks of things you might be right about needing more advancement, but lets hope that when the swelling goes down your jaws appear more defined. If you can post more images in a couple of weeks I can give you a more accurate assessment. Did you have a private surgery or was this on the NHS?
Do you have any befores?
IMO, you are still too swollen to make a judgement. I'm surprised they dropped you by a whole 4mm. That just sounds like a hell of a big vertical movement. You would have had to have zero tooth show in the before for that to be the case. Are you sure it was really that much? I have about as much tooth show as you did pre-op (possibly less), and my surgeon mentioned dropping the maxilla by 1 mm (with at least 6 mm advancement).
OTOH, 4mm advancement doesn't sound like much. You need to have a solid 3mm overjet post-op, because the bone is expected to relapse a bit after the operation (about 1mm). Unless your bite was almost edge-on-edge before.
EDIT: Don't take anything I say seriously, I am not a doctor.
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