Author Topic: V line surgery at View Plastic Surgery with Dr. Lee Ho Bin  (Read 33764 times)


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V line surgery at View Plastic Surgery with Dr. Lee Ho Bin
« on: March 12, 2020, 10:11:54 PM »
Hello, so Ive never written about my experiences on a forum before but I decided I'd give it a try. I recently underwent V-line surgery at View Plastic Surgery hospital in Korea with Dr. Lee Ho Bin. I wanted to undergo this procedure because for as long as i can remember I have been very unhappy with my angular jaw and i've always wanted a slimmer face. My surgery was on February 27, 2020 it is now March 6, 2020. Im just under 10 days of being post-op.

Day before surgery ( Feb. 26 ): The day before my surgery I had my second to last consultation with Dr. Lee Ho Bin. He went over the details about my surgery while showing me my CT scan so I could really visualize what exactly he would be doing during my surgery. We had now decided I would under go a T osteotomy and a cortical and long cut of my jaw for the slimmest result possible. Upon concluding this consultation I was one step closer to my surgery which would be the next day. I was instructed by hospital staff to begin my fasting period at 12 AM that night so I would be ready for to undergo surgery at 11 AM ( 11 hours of fasting ).

Day of surgery ( Feb. 27 ): My surgery is at 11 AM but I was instructed to arrive at 8:50 AM so I could meet with the doctor one last time before surgery to go over the surgery plan one last time and so that any last questions or concerns of mine could be dealt with. I really had no concerns at this point just the normal butterflies in my stomach from the fact that I would very soon be going under. The doctors and staff were extremely comforting and made me feel at ease. I had fully trusted the comfortable environment they had created for me. Upon entering the surgery room there was many nurses all around and I was introduced to my anesthesiologist. My IV was in and I was given one last run down of my surgery and informed that I would now be going under anesthesia. Before I knew it I was put under and my surgery would now begin.

Post-op: This part is a little bit foggy for me but I remember waking up surrounded by the same nurses and staff who I had become comfortable with. I was given instructions on what to do next, I got up slowly and was informed that I would now be transferred to the patent ward. I didn't feel anything unexpected, the first day was tough I had two drainage tubes in my mouth and I couldn't drink fluids for a certain amount of time. The nurses were there the whole time to tend to my needs and were consistent with changing my ice packs etc. I was a little bit scared since I was alone but the nurses made me feel comfortable leading up to my time of discharge when my mother would pick me up and take me to our hotel which would be the next day. Before I was discharged I met with the doctor and he removed my drainage tubes and had a final checkup before being able to head to my hotel.

At the hotel: I was now in the care of my mother and felt comfort from that. I made sure to follow the doctors orders in regards to my diet, my oral rinsing, and my medications. I was sure to do my oral rinsing (gargling) every time after drinking anything as well as every 2 hours even if I did not drink anything.

Time of writing: I am now just under 10 days of being post-op and wanted to let you all know my thoughts of the process now. I wont lie to you guys the first 3 days were hard, very hard for me ( specially the second ) I was overcome with emotions and just the crazy reality that I just had such a major and significant surgery. Hang in there ! it gets easier as the days go by. I have met with my doctor multiple times since my surgery and everything is going excellent. I am set to remove my stitches on the 11th it is currently the 6th. It has been really exciting to see my swelling go down day by day and see myself slowly getting closer to my end result. I am extremely happy that I decided to go through this and I have zero regrets ! I can already see and feel some of the results and I get overcome with joy because of that ! Im still doing my oral rinsing every 2 hours and following doctors orders. I will now conclude this update but I will try to update you guys again as soon as I can ! Hope this helps.


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Re: V line surgery at View Plastic Surgery with Dr. Lee Ho Bin
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2020, 12:59:41 AM »
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 07:49:45 AM by GJ »


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Re: V line surgery at View Plastic Surgery with Dr. Lee Ho Bin
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2020, 07:47:30 AM »
Your first photo is frontal and the second photo is profile, so it's really hard to compare, but your profile looks very promising. I don't know what it looked like before, though.

Edit: I now see the frontal after shot. It's so hard to say since you're so early in recovery. Looks promising, I think.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: V line surgery at View Plastic Surgery with Dr. Lee Ho Bin
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2020, 07:43:24 AM »
Here are some more after photos ! 2 weeks post op !


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Re: V line surgery at View Plastic Surgery with Dr. Lee Ho Bin
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2020, 12:53:17 AM »
Here are some more after photos ! 2 weeks post op !

Really confused on why you got this done. Did you think your jaw was too square and you just wanted more of a narrow V look without angles?

I personally think you looked great before. Obviously you’re still swollen now but hopefully you get the result you were looking for. Also your nose is in a cast as well as your chest. Don’t want to get too forward but did you get work done on your nose and chest as well at the same time? That is a lot of surgery at once....

Please please don’t get anymore.