Author Topic: Braces go on this week, here we go!  (Read 3249 times)


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Braces go on this week, here we go!
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:54:48 AM »
So after putting off this procedure for over a decade, I'm finally getting braces this week in preparation for a dual-jaw surgery which will most likely by done by Arnett in a few months time.

I've been visiting orthodontists for as long as I can remember and the work that all of them have done has been minimal as all have agreed for some time that I would require maxillofacial surgery as an adult. However, I've put off the braces/surgery for years just because I didn't want to have the stigma of wearing braces as an adult.

I've always been incredibly self-conscious about my appearance, which I suppose directly led to my obsession with nutrition and fitness instead of dealing with my jaw issues. However, I've reached a point in my life where I'm not as concerned about others' opinions of me and it no longer makes sense to put this off as my jaw issues could degenerate to a worse condition in the future where this surgery will no longer be a carefully planned, elected procedure. Not to mention 90% (if not more) of my insecurities about my appearance come from my jaw/teeth, which is why I almost always avoid posing for pictures and when I do, I hardly ever smile in them (hopefully some of you can relate to this feeling prior to your own procedures).

I'm oddly really looking forward to getting this underway. I genuinely feel like a gigantic weight is being lifted off of me now that I'm finally doing this. I have 100% confidence in my orthodontist, I really trust his opinion and I'm completely dedicating myself to this process from this point forward to ensure the best possible results. I've really enjoyed reading about everyone else's experiences in the weeks leading up to this, so I plan to post some of my experiences moving forward to encourage others who are on the fence about this to move forward with this procedure.

Let's do this!


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Re: Braces go on this week, here we go!
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 06:25:15 AM »
Congrats on making your mind up about surgery. It took me a while to decide as well. I am having surgery with Gunson in less than two months. You'll find that there are a number of other patients on this forum who are approaching surgery with your surgeon of choice. All the best to you.  


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Re: Braces go on this week, here we go!
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2012, 06:33:53 AM »
Thanks for the well wishes. Ironically the surgery is the least of my apprehensions (at least at this point), it's really the wearing of the braces themselves for any length of time that dissuaded me from pursuing this for all of these years. Although I wish I had done this procedure years ago, I feel I'm far more mentally able to handle this process now than I was in college or shortly after graduating.

I just finished reading CK's Gunson thread which did a great job of tempering my expectations to some extent. Even in my teenage years seeing orthodontists on the east coast, I was always told that Arnett was the absolute best in this field and he (and only he) was the choice to do this surgery. Consequently for many years Arnett's reputation was built up to mythical proportions in my mind, but I think CK's thread gets the point across that while AG may be the best, results do vary from case to case and going in with more moderate expectations will lead to a more positive outlook post-surgery.


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Re: Braces go on this week, here we go!
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2012, 06:48:33 AM »
Welcome to the board. There are a ton of A/G patients here, so you'll have lots of support. In fact, Znewton is getting surgery with Arnett tomorrow, and I'm sure we'll all be closely watching his case.

What kind of bite/facial problem do you have? What sort of movements does Arnett have planned? Why such a short time in braces?


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Re: Braces go on this week, here we go!
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2012, 07:07:07 AM »
I'll be completely honest with you in saying that I don't know all of the particular ins-and-outs of the procedure Arnett has planned for me like so many of you on this board do. I'm extremely impressed with the knowledge all of you have not only about your own procedures, but also about the procedures that others are having as well. From this point forward I will certainly be doing my own research and paying more attention to the exact details of my case in my various consults, so hopefully I will have more specific answers for all of you in the future.

I did my initial consultation with Arnett several years ago which my parents more or less dragged me to, so I wasn't entirely focused on the considerable amount of information he was offering me. At that point I was in somewhat of a denial of my jaw problems, and I think part of me hoped that by ignoring them I simply wouldn't have to have the surgery.

To the best of my recollection my lower jaw will be moved to the left and back while my front jaw will be moved forward so that all of my teeth align to fix my open bite. I currently have an asymmetrical face that is particularly prevalent in pictures where I am smiling, so having a more aesthetic smile is a primary motivation for me especially considering I am pursuing a career where appearance/first impressions is of paramount importance.

As for the short time in braces, I think this is due to the vast majority of my problems being jaw related and less to do with teeth positioning/straightening. My orthodontist predicts that he can have me ready for surgery in six months and that all in all the process can be done well under two years from braces on to braces off (although he did quote 2 years being the maximum time depending on any setbacks that may be encountered). Of course I need to have all four wisdom teeth removed and Arnett can be difficult to book, so all of that may skew the timetable closer to the two year mark, but I plan to do everything in my power to minimize the timetable for this and get it over and done with asap.

Also, Znewton if you're reading this, best of luck in your surgery. You're in the best of hands so your results should be stellar, good luck!


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Re: Braces go on this week, here we go!
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2012, 10:29:32 AM »
Probably one of the silliest questions one can ask but how old are you?

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