Author Topic: Interpreting xray of airways  (Read 3788 times)


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Re: Interpreting xray of airways
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2018, 03:08:35 PM »
Hey just an update.

I just saw a fantastic surgeon, Dr Lance West. He took a ceph and said my airways were more narrow than people who he had seen that had sleep apnea! He said my occlusional plane was steep and both my jaws were recessed so he has recommended double jaw surgery and ccw rotation. He is going to liaise with the sleep clinic and possibly recommend a sleep endoscopy. He also said he had close ties with Bill Arnett and would discuss my airways with him!

Thanks for the guidance guys!

What's your story prior to seeing the surgeons? Did you already have braces before? Any extractions?


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Re: Interpreting xray of airways
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2018, 05:44:55 PM »
I had braces in my teenage years but had no extractions. I had/have and overbite. After years of anti-depressants, I thought my problem might instead be to do with my sleep. I' had a septoplasty and turbinate reduction to improve my bad nose breathing, but still wasn't 100%. Now I'm looking at looking at my throat airways. I currently wear a mouthguard that advances my jaw, it definitely helps, but isn't 100% and has its side effects.