This link is not strictly about aesthetics but is a list of talks given at a recent meeting of maxillofacial surgeons --arnett and other present papers.
What I thought was especially interesting to us here is that there are many talks and panels directly addressing many of our concerns: e.g. a panel on distraction osteogensis; 2 panels on max fac surgery and facial aesthetics,
even the changing of the nose post-lefort 1 and THE ROLE OF GENIOPLASTY IN PROVIDING A MORE AESTHETIC OUTCOME (which was a hot issue on the board just a few days ago). It would be great to get a record of the published papers from this symposia --but moreover, will give you a good idea that there are a lot of doctors working intensively on some of the issues we're concerned about. And I don't think it is at all safe to assume that the different doctors are necessarily sharing each other's philosophies or learning from one another --so this might also give you an idea of looking at docs whose interests are more in line with the types of outcomes you want from the surgery!