Author Topic: overbite effect on face  (Read 24797 times)


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Re: overbite effect on face
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2014, 12:10:30 PM »
You're wasting your time. Jaw surgery will have zero effect on what you're describing, likewise any orthodontic improvements will be all but imperceptible.

In the end I think you have poor skin quality and carry fat in the cheeks. Perhaps the best solution is to look into a decent skin care regimen (sunscreen, tazoratene), buccal fat removal, liposuction around jawline, and possibly even a ZSO if need be. Just my two cents from taking a quick look.

I really disagree. I actually wish that you were right, because that would make it easier to fix!

If I look at photos from when I was about 6, I can still see the same issues.
I think it's all about advancing the jaws. I'm certain that doing so would drastically improve my appearance.

I sometimes see people who are clearly a little overweight, but they have perfect jaw projection, and mass to support the underlying tissue, and as a result their fact still has good shape and definition.

I do agree that I could get some benefit from things that you mention, but i'm convinced that something like a bimax advancement is what I need.

Thanks for you reply, though. I love to hear from people about this (even if I disagree), as it's one of the things that constantly consumes my mind!


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Re: overbite effect on face
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2014, 05:39:06 AM »
Remember Roy Walker from Catchphrase?

What gives him that prominent little circle on his chin? (very visible in the pic on the right of the 2)
Can't see his bottom teeth when he smiles.
Does he need his lower jaw moved forward? Rotated?

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Re: overbite effect on face
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2014, 10:50:30 PM »
He probably has a mild class 2/deep bite. That little circle area is just his chin button, it's just very prominent but still normal morphology.

In his case, if jaw surgery was even indicated as his issues may be non-existent, would be advancing his mandible with clockwise rotation. That way his occlusal and mandibular plane will be less flat and he won't have a excessively protruding lower jaw despite the forward movement.

However I just pulled this up for google and see here he's smiling in profile (maybe laughing) and his overjet doesn't look bad. Either way his jaw and teeth are in the normal range I think.


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Re: overbite effect on face
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2014, 08:47:52 AM »
Thanks, Foreverdet!


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Re: overbite effect on face
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2014, 04:52:41 AM »
Have you thought that there may be a link between have a dental overbite and a small lower jaw? Maybe the Class II malocclusion is the "symptom", and not the "disease".
By being treated unilaterally by orthodontically by orthodontics alone, you run the risk of a dental "cute" that ignores the fundamental reason why you have a problem in the first place.
For instance, instead of looking at it from the perspective of "I have a bad bite"... Wouldn't it be better to say "I have a small lower jaw".

If you do say that, then the dental malocclusion becomes a medical sign of the condition.
Other medical signs are big front teeth that chip, a back bite that wears badly, impacted wisdom teeth, crowded teeth, a narrow palate, narrow nostrils, a sense of a large nose or a small chin or a weak jaw line...maybe you can relate your neck posture, or chronic tension headache from forward jaw posturing... And maybe also joint laxity (or what dentists call "TMJ dysfunction")... And of course there's snoring, or poor exercise tolerance (exercise induced "asthma") or just general round poor self esteem.

How's it possible to have twenty unrelated different "diagnoses"?

Or... Maybe you just have one disease/problem... A small lower jaw... And that everything else is secondary.

It's just more logical.

Then the solution becomes easy. Fix your lower jaw


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Re: overbite effect on face
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2014, 11:51:17 AM »
Have you thought that there may be a link between have a dental overbite and a small lower jaw? Maybe the Class II malocclusion is the "symptom", and not the "disease".
By being treated unilaterally by orthodontically by orthodontics alone, you run the risk of a dental "cute" that ignores the fundamental reason why you have a problem in the first place.
For instance, instead of looking at it from the perspective of "I have a bad bite"... Wouldn't it be better to say "I have a small lower jaw".

If you do say that, then the dental malocclusion becomes a medical sign of the condition.
Other medical signs are big front teeth that chip, a back bite that wears badly, impacted wisdom teeth, crowded teeth, a narrow palate, narrow nostrils, a sense of a large nose or a small chin or a weak jaw line...maybe you can relate your neck posture, or chronic tension headache from forward jaw posturing... And maybe also joint laxity (or what dentists call "TMJ dysfunction")... And of course there's snoring, or poor exercise tolerance (exercise induced "asthma") or just general round poor self esteem.

How's it possible to have twenty unrelated different "diagnoses"?

Or... Maybe you just have one disease/problem... A small lower jaw... And that everything else is secondary.

It's just more logical.

Then the solution becomes easy. Fix your lower jaw

Yes, I have considered that that could be the issue.
I think it might also explain why when I looked at myself in the mirror, I feel as though i need a face lift (not enough bone to support underlying facial tissue)

But then, the solution you say is ''fix your lower jaw''

You means through jaw surgery, moving the lower jaw forward?
I don't think it can be made 'bigger', though? (width)


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Re: overbite effect on face
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2015, 02:10:35 AM »
what about laugh lines from teh cheeks/mouth area.
the person on the top has a much fleshier look around the cheek area, despite being in very good shape
(there's other pics of him with a rippling 6 pack with about 8% body fat!)
However, his face looks a bit chubby.
Look at the C shape around the corner of his mouth.

The guy in the bottom pic doesn't have that when he smiles broadly. There's almost no 'fold' at all.
when he smiles, you can instead see teh edge of his chin/jaw area.

I'm convinced that this is all basically because the guy in the top pic has more recessed jaws.
the flesh of the cheeks is is 'hanging over' more because there isn't less 'support' from the jaws.
The definition in the bottom guys chin area when he smiles, is because of a bigger lower jaw and chin?

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