Author Topic: Underbite autosomal recessive? Anyone with children?  (Read 6428 times)


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Underbite autosomal recessive? Anyone with children?
« on: October 29, 2013, 01:54:04 AM »
Looking at my family line, there really anyone else that has a Class 3 underbite like me. Making me conclude that this may be some autosomal recessive disorder (with homozygous recessive alleles). I was wondering what are the chances of my children receiving my underbite?

Underbite may seem dominant but I hope it is otherwise like I am claiming. Nothing would makes happier to know of my children will not receive these genes.

Then I can obtain surgery and become what you would call "normal" in the area of personal appearance and also not have to worry about seeing my disorder in my future generations.

Is there anyone with children that could comment?


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Re: Underbite autosomal recessive? Anyone with children?
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2013, 09:29:13 AM »
I highly doubt the inheritance is straightforward Mendelian. I'm curious though about how these things are determined. My profile is convex, so are my brothers' and cousins' of mine (even though my parents both have flat profiles...


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Re: Underbite autosomal recessive? Anyone with children?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 08:18:48 AM »
I do believe that there is a genetic component to underbites. Not sure exactly how, though.

I do believe there is a comorbidity rate between underbite and other conditions that might have genetic links. I do believe there is, for example, a link between autism and underbites, though. I saw a thread on another forum once where someone brought up this idea, and a dental hygienist chimed in that in her autistic patients (at least among girls), she saw common traits, one of them being a higher rate of underbites.