Author Topic: Jaw Surgery Timing and the Military  (Read 1551 times)


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Jaw Surgery Timing and the Military
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:01:35 PM »
So I just found out that I will need 3 years of invisalign plus lower (possibly double) jaw surgery. I am currently a junior in college, and 1 year from now I will be commissioned into the navy as an officer, from which I will likely do 2 years of follow-on training in my warfare community. This means by the time I am done training, I should be done with invisalign. However, the navy may not want me to go through jaw surgery during training since it will set me back a couple of months, and I can't get jaw surgery for three years after training because I will be on deployable status. This means I would have to do invisalign until the end of my training, wait three years, and then get jaw surgery. Is it possible to delay jaw surgery for so long after orthodontic treatment? Do most people get jaw surgery at the end of orthodontic treatment? Btw I would be treating an overbite.