Author Topic: How does the bone heal after SG / jaw surgery / max fac surgery in general?  (Read 1442 times)


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In all of the Dolphin videos and morphs you see on the web the bone is shown to heal completely, just as if it was always that way. Based on my own research it seems this is only the case with DO, and everything else can have issues with uneven edges that become more apparent with age. Dr Yaremchuk and Eppley both seem to offer implants of max fac patients with mandibles that are too uneven.

So what I've been wanting to know is if anyone has CT scans or something of what the bone looks like after 1-5 years post-op of any basic jaw surgery operation?

One of my concerns lately has been that the bone will be very jaggered and unnatural, meaning implants will be necessary either way.
01/10/14 - Last night I spilt spaghetti sauce on my chin for the very first time in my life and cried.