Author Topic: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson  (Read 19899 times)


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2014, 05:21:21 PM »
The other thing I was curious about is the HA paste/stuff/material. You mentioned you had it on your cheekbones, and the right side of your chin, correct? I know it's impossible to look at your face now, and assess what it would look like had you gone through surgery, but opted out of HA. What I'm wondering about is how it feels? Is it tight, or unnatural feeling? Do you feel it when you smile, or wash your face? What about when you're sleeping on either your stomach or on your side, and your face is jammed into the pillow?

Thanks again for the detailed posts! You look really good, too. Also, to end up with good joints, and a solid bite...very awesome.


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2014, 06:26:35 PM »
The other thing I was curious about is the HA paste/stuff/material. You mentioned you had it on your cheekbones, and the right side of your chin, correct? I know it's impossible to look at your face now, and assess what it would look like had you gone through surgery, but opted out of HA. What I'm wondering about is how it feels? Is it tight, or unnatural feeling? Do you feel it when you smile, or wash your face? What about when you're sleeping on either your stomach or on your side, and your face is jammed into the pillow?

Thanks again for the detailed posts! You look really good, too. Also, to end up with good joints, and a solid bite...very awesome.


Right, cheekbones and the right side of my jawline next to the chin although I'm not 100% sure where exactly since it was something the doc decided to during surgery when he saw the irregularity.

All good questions and across board, I don't feel anything unusual. When I touch those areas, it just feels like bone. No tightness during any movement or when sleeping. I guess some people have facial issues with HA but I don't, maybe I got lucky. Only my lips and chin area feel odd because of the partial numbness which I suspect is permanent, it sucks but I don't think about it.


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2014, 04:15:14 PM »
Found the ceph of my revised surgical plan the day before surgery. My incisor tip actually only came forward 5mm and chin 12.3mm for a grand total of 21mm when you include my past genioplasty.

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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2014, 11:52:43 AM »
Hi, great result. Can you post a picture of what you looked like before the genio. I'd like to see how much difference a movement of 21mm can make to someones face.


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2014, 07:42:11 PM »
YOu have amazing results. the nose flare and jaw asymmetry are well within normal ranges and you probably notice them far far more than anyone else. Honestly dude, don't do anything about the nose flare. Just get a better haircut. You came out with a 100 percent amazing result, congrats.


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2014, 02:27:58 AM »
Hi, great result. Can you post a picture of what you looked like before the genio. I'd like to see how much difference a movement of 21mm can make to someones face.

Thanks I don't have a proper one with relaxed lips but here you go.

And thanks Lazlo. Except the hair cut comment, I like my hair like that :D altho I actually just got it cut in a kind of undercut style.

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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2014, 04:27:23 PM »
Dude you have an amazing result and you look much much better.

I'm just curious, why does the upper lip elongate so much with jaw surgery? I mean even in your case, your upper lip could have retained the slightly c-shape or concave quality it had before the jaw surgery that would have been nice. It just ages one terribly when the angle is more obtuse. f**king sucks --not for you you look fine, but for me it would make me look much much worse, and i've already lost my concave shape due to ortho --extractions.


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2014, 09:44:22 PM »
Dude you have an amazing result and you look much much better.

I'm just curious, why does the upper lip elongate so much with jaw surgery? I mean even in your case, your upper lip could have retained the slightly c-shape or concave quality it had before the jaw surgery that would have been nice. It just ages one terribly when the angle is more obtuse. f**king sucks --not for you you look fine, but for me it would make me look much much worse, and i've already lost my concave shape due to ortho --extractions.

Hmm I would say jaw surgery doesn't really elongate the upper lip so much as create the illusion it's longer unless of course pre-surgery your still growing so after when your compare, your lip is actually longer. In my case, my upper lip just looks longer because the hard tissue behind it was shortened and advanced. So my upper incisor exposure was normalized and my upper lip now has more support because it's touching my incisors. Before I had a huge inter-labial gap and the upper lip just sort of hung with air behind it so it looks shorter and more acute.

But yeah for sure everyone loses soft tissue support do to aging so there's that lengthening and thinning of the upper lip but I don't think jaw surgery really causes that pre-maturely unless your have maxillary retraction AND impaction done which is almost never indicated. I saw a case of a young women where the dumbass doctor moved the maxilla back and it aged her horribly. I mean she looked 70 ears old in her profile because her upper lip was now super thin and angled inward, so obtuse.

Thanks again for the positive comments.

EDIT: Technically there is a lengthening of the philtrum height usually during impaction i.e. the middle part of the lip becomes longer relative to the commissure height (the length of the edge of the upper lip relative to the lower lip). When you have zero incisor exposure at rest, your philtrum height and commissure height are equal. Aesthetically by itself, no tooth display at rest isn't necessarily unattractive or makes you look older as there are innumerable examples of youthful and hot people with no tooth display in repose. But combined with other traits like thin lips, insufficient tooth display when smiling, etc. then it can become aesthetic issue and make you look pre-maturely aged.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 10:07:37 PM by ForeverDet »


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2016, 07:13:37 PM »
This might just be my perception of things, but in your smile pics, your lower lip seems kinda high up even as its supposedly pulled down.  Was your smile really similar to that before surgery, or was it caused maybe by the SG?  I do see how the ceph tracing would position your resting lower lip much higher than before, so maybe that has something to do with it. 

I ask because I've seen several smiles from bimax surgery that come out looking similar to yours, and wondering if that's an (unfortunate?) consequence of the surgery. Like does the lower lip not go down enough to even reveal your lower gums if you wanted to??

I'm the token botched 'smile' patient (from a stupid chin implant no less), so this is maybe of much more interest to me than it is to others.


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Re: Before/After 1 year post-op surgery with Dr. Gunson
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2016, 11:16:44 PM »
How much did it cost all up?