Author Topic: Maxfax surgeons who can perform the surgery in a fully equiped office?  (Read 3035 times)


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I am reconsidering things. I think Id rather pursue jaw surgery vs. compromise solutions. The thing is my case would be almost 100% cosmetic. I know there are a few surgeons out there who have a fully equipped office or space where they perform the surgery so hospital fees dont enter into the equation. I just dont remember their names.

I guess there is also a surgeon in Costa Rica(I think) that does the surgery for less than it would cost in the US. The poster who goes by the name "Ozzy's mom" on archwired had surgery with him and had a fantastic result.

The closer to NY the better, but beggars cant be choosers.


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I don't have an answer to your question, but I would consider trying to get it done in a hospital.  There's always the possibility of complications, I know on the other forum there was some young kid who actually died of blood loss during surgery (obviously incredibly rare and unlikely),  but I was more comfortable knowing I was in a hospital should anything go wrong.


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I don't have an answer to your question, but I would consider trying to get it done in a hospital.  There's always the possibility of complications

I agree with Steve here, tdawg. This is not a surgery for an office setting, IMO.


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Re: Maxfax surgeons who can perform the surgery in a fully equiped office?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2012, 12:57:50 PM »
There are qualified surgeons who have their own surgical suites and bring in an anesthesiologist. The ones I know of:

Dr. Kevin McBride in Texas
Dr. Stosich in Utah

Also Dr. Dale Bloomquist in Washington has special privileges at University of Washington hospital so the facility fee is much, much less.