Author Topic: What exactly is a ccw rotation and how is it performed?  (Read 3262 times)


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What exactly is a ccw rotation and how is it performed?
« on: July 21, 2014, 10:47:50 AM »
Is it a rotation of the mandible? Doesnt the mandible autorotate along with the maxilla being brought forward anyway?


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Re: What exactly is a ccw rotation and how is it performed?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 01:32:19 PM »
To me it is still unclear whether CCW rotation always involves bimax surgery. Does anyone know? My surgeon proposed to apply some CCW rotation to the maxilla during the Le Fort impactation. Does this mean that a BSSO will be done as well or not necessarily? I already have a correct bite, which will not change after the surgery (I however have a convex profile and "long face" syndrome). 


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Re: What exactly is a ccw rotation and how is it performed?
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 02:50:05 AM »
To me it is still unclear whether CCW rotation always involves bimax surgery. Does anyone know? My surgeon proposed to apply some CCW rotation to the maxilla during the Le Fort impactation. Does this mean that a BSSO will be done as well or not necessarily? I already have a correct bite, which will not change after the surgery (I however have a convex profile and "long face" syndrome).

Since CCW rotation is about flattening the occlusal plane in that the anterior of the maxilla goes up/forward and the posterior down. A BSSO is usually necessary to create a class I bite and class I profile (genio too sometimes for proper chin projection). Think about it, your upper jaw is impacted but there's also forward movement of your incisor tip so if you were a class I or II especially, you'd be even more recessed at this stage so it's necessary to advance the mandible to a class I position.

I don't know if I've seen single jaw CCW with no bsso. I did see a case of longish face but she was a open bite with flat occlusal plane so a lefort alone closed her bite and mandible swung into the correction position without doing anything to it.