He wanted to keep the existing implant. I'm quite confused about all of this. Like I said, my procedure is straightforward for the most part. I wish I could get all possible surgeons in one room and ask them all, as a panel lol xD There should be a game show for this kind of thing
But in all seriousness, do you guys think it would be a good idea to ask a third surgeon to compare the two plans?
I think a revision chin implant surgery + a proper genio will result in serious damage to your mentalis muscle thus causing chin ptosis
I saw a case similar to yours on a different forum, the surgeon flat out told the patient (female, middle aged) to have her implant removed, live without a chin for a few months and get a proper genioplasty and even after all this she still had a very mild case of chin ptosis post-op. last i checked she was waiting for the 1 year mark to get the mentalis muscle reattached/repaired (2nd surgery)