Author Topic: posterior open bite after surgery  (Read 1286 times)


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posterior open bite after surgery
« on: August 13, 2014, 05:57:33 PM »
So ive been reading how a lot of people get posterior open bites after their jaw surgey when correcting overbites usually. Why is this? I read that they usually dont want the molars touching after surgery, but what else causes this? One guy said it took a year for his ortho to close his bite, but f**k, I didnt know this was going to happen after. Well I havent even seen my ortho yet, but I'll ask my surgeon when I see him this coming Wednesday about how long these things usually take to fix. I was hoping I'd be like some of those lucky chicks that I read got their braces off after only two months post op lol.  My front teeth all touch, but I can fit the front of my tongue through the left molars and the right side is actually not bad at all. So I guess they'll just have to work more on my left side. I dont have any cant or anything like that and my jaw line up very nicely. My bite looks very solid in the front.


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Re: posterior open bite after surgery
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2014, 08:26:58 PM »
Yea, I've been thinking about this, too. I know this isn't what you're asking, but on the topic of people developing an open bite post-op...I would consider being cautious of the type of retainer you get (when that time comes).

Assuming you/I/anyone starts out wearing a retainer 24 hours/daily, I personally wouldn't do an Essix. I think it's risky to put someone through surgery to get their teeth to meet only to then put them in a retainer that actually will not let their teeth meet. I could be missing something, but that makes zero sense to me.


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Re: posterior open bite after surgery
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2014, 12:28:35 PM »
Just a little update. I went back to my ortho on the 10th of this month and he told me a majority of his surgery patients are left with a little bit of an open bite in the back, I guess so you dont bite to hard after surgery?  Anyways, he told me to wear my elastics in a square shape around all my molars and the open bite is pretty much gone. Now I know I'll have to continue to wear them because it opens up a little again if I stop wearing the elastics for a while. Im very happy it closed because I was talking to a guy who had  a blog and he said he had to have braces an extra year just to close the posterior open bite,  which would suck. I still don't know how they're going to move my teeth now to create a good bite. I feel like they are just going to have to move them to how they were before braces lol. The only reason I got braces was to open up my overbite that was closed from my last ortho by flaring my teeth forward. Now Iwas already class 1 before surgery and have about a 2 mm overjet, so im curious what they are going to do to fix my bite now. Its annoying going from having a perfect bite pre op and then having them make it worse for surgery lol. Oh well, in the end I'll be very happy.

Anyways, im still just swollen around my chin and one spot on my jaw line on both sides which makes my jaw look round, but its going down slowly. I love that he did some ccw rotation becuase it kept some v shape to my jaw. Also my nose js obviously still sowllen but it actually goes down some days which is nice. I know thats the last area to hold onto swelling. Oh and then some minor swelling around my nose and ccheekbones which I really cant wait to go away because they hide a portion of my cheekbones. My smiles f**ked right now because my right side of my lower lip is numb so it doesn't move lol. My whole chin is tingly though when I touch it, so I know the feeling there will come back, but it seems that area of the lip is either going to take a while or worst case,  never regain feeling, which would be horrible. Im pretty optimistic it will come back though