Author Topic: What surgeries do I need?  (Read 3357 times)


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Re: What surgeries do I need?
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2014, 02:45:30 PM »
How would I go about getting a maxfac to consider me a candidate for surgery. Like I've said previously, I have gone to a couple consults and they just brushed me off saying there were no abnormalities. I  don't understand, I know I have major problems, they are bordering on major deformity.

I'll get a picture of my bite up here soon. I will also post the partial ceph as soon as I get it.


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Re: What surgeries do I need?
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2014, 07:39:19 PM »
The face is a means at objective diagnosis and treatment planning for OBJECTIVE underlying issues.

How can you offer objective opinion if your premise entirely is based upon the subjective and ethereal subject of beauty.

Facial disproportion indicates and underlying facial dysfunction... See imbalance and disproportion implies the dysfunction and merits the advice of potential cute.

You need upper and lower jaw surgery, and coordinated with expert orthodontics.

Look at the bigger picture.

Medicine isn't meant to be democratic.

You are telling me that your objective view of his facial profile was enough evidence for you to state he "needs jaw surgery"? Without even asking about bite, chewing, or breathing/sleeping issues? Maybe it's time you review your informed consent forms, maybe with your legal team.

Real experts don't jump to conclusions without reviewing all the necessary information.