It's a multi-segment Le Fort 1. It's very common.
Can I ask why do people prefer SARPE to multi-segment Le Fort I ? Because that seems to be the case on this forum.
Le forte 1 has a dizzying amount of variations: multiple segments, different levels of cuts above the teeth roots, different shapes of cuts (step, level, zigzag, angled). Fwiw, my maxilla was too wide and had to be narrowed.
The segmental osteotomy will leave two lateral gaps which would need to be closed with braces eventually. This probably means bring the anterior teeth back to close those gaps, thus meaning the end result will involve expanding the arch only laterally, much like what happens with SARPE. I haven't heard a doctor's opinion on the subject nor have I read a paper that compares the two, so that's just speculation on my part.
Is this surgery only for blacks? Wouldn't it make the mouth recessed if you don't have bi-maxillary protrusion?
Multi-segment Lefort 1 or SARPE can be performed along with other surgeries such as BSSO and Sliding genioplasty or it's required to wait some months for the bones to heal for the next surgery?Leaving out some differences between them, if we can go to the operating room only once it would be much better because we would have to cope with only one harsh and long post-operative recovery.
SAPRE is done before any other surgeries. Multi-segment Le Fort 1 can be done at the same time as BSSO or genioplasty.