Author Topic: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser  (Read 15595 times)


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Some of You contacted with Prof. Pelo. How long you had to wait for his answer ?

No answer for a longer time..
« Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 11:00:20 PM by Rico :) »

Gregor Samsa

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Re: Prof Pelo
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 05:35:14 AM »
He is extremely busy and I doubt he reads this forum. It took almost a month before I got a reply from him at one point in time.


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Re: Prof Pelo
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 07:26:50 AM »
He used to answer me after 3 max 4 days :) untill I sent him my doubts, he asked about... so this is why i'm anxious

OK So I'm waiting another 2 weeks. I hope this time he is replaying longer due to longer letter - more questions

I have had several initial consultations via mail and from my experience, I can tell You, that many surgeons can answer at first time and never again if they change their minds not to help You, even If you ask to get confirmation in order to be sure that your message was read - sometimes message can be overlooked.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 08:06:48 AM by xdon82 »

Gregor Samsa

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Re: Prof Pelo
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2014, 08:10:45 AM »
Sometimes he answers immediately and sometimes it takes forever for get a reply. It depends on how busy he is.


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Re: Prof Pelo
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2014, 05:25:53 PM »
Has anyone heard about Prof. Clauser ?  also from Italy. He is supposed to be well known on the world


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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Clauser
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2014, 11:11:55 PM »
I found one kinda unhappy patient of P., but this is not typical botched case. It's subjective opinion. So hard to qualify as bad result

Please use Google translate - it will become kinda readable
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 12:53:58 PM by Rico :) »


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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2014, 02:46:44 AM »
I do not know Italian.
Impressive. right...
Unfortunately we do not see the dark side. There is no surgeon without failures. :)
However this movie shows that he / his team has some very good skills. I wonder if MM can do that.

Also wonder who is that person who has posted that on YT. Perhaps student  ?  I've sent message to him ;)

Don't get me wrong. In Poland we have one famous maxfac "god" and he organises a lot of symposiums where he shows his spectacular results, but he has got a lot of extremely botched cases in real. This is almost like with MM but probably even worse

On wise doctor told me good thing. Be careful when it comes to maxfac surgeons, because many people can't escape from them once they went under knife. - neverending redos, etc. However many people are not careful. At least we try to minimalize the risk by looking for a opinions, etc

I would like to be a guy who will be able to say - I'm happy everything is OK. But I know that there is no guarentee I will have opportunity to say that :(
« Last Edit: December 02, 2014, 03:13:58 AM by Rico :) »


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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2014, 01:09:54 PM »

Hello again

I'm after 2 consultation with Italian surgeons. Comparing to consultations in Poland, to MM, and Zarrinbal, i'm the most impressed with these ones from Italy
For some of You who does not know what I'm gonna do - I'm going to have malar bone osteotomy and infraorbital nerve decompression due to overlooked previous fracture
Some information may be helpful for You.

Prof Pelo and Ianetti generally told me almost the same and they both seem to be very skilled almost at the same level. Why almost? I will outline this...
At the same time I need your little help in choosing one of them

Both of them doesn't speak well in English. Iannetti enough good to communicate, Pelo needs assistant, probably even when someone write e-mail to him. But there is no  problem with basic communication. However there is a very little problem with language barrier. My english is also not very good. I better write than speak, because I more use it in that way,
The consultation time was around 45-60 mins in both cases (I didn't check it exactly, but consultation with Pelo was at 4pm  and when I was in the waiting room for a longer while I noticed it was about 5:45pm) , but Pelo also gave me extra time about 15-20minut. He had other patients, so after my scheduled consultation, I waited about one hour, when all patients was examined by doctor, and then I was able to ask some more questions.

Pelo performs all LeFort osteotomies from 1 to 4 (didn't know about 4th). Has got experience
I didn't ask Iannetti about this, but for sure the same experience.

Pelo has got international patients (as he says) from time to time.

Both of them don't see this surgery to be risky. just very low of risk. Iannetti even see lower then low ;) Pelo is a little more careful in saying that, but the same comment - this is the one of most simply from the most complicated surgeries they performs. Pelo informed me that there is more simplier method - just using implant, but osteotomy is more professional and only a little more risky.

Iannetti showed me 3 examples of his works, but for me weren't much heplful, because he showed me before / after in more serious cases, which after looks good, but not perfect (for example in one patient case, one of the eyelid was a bit lower and white part of the eye was more visible, but taking how it was before, quite good. However as I said it was not helpful in my case. He just showed that he is able to restore someone face quite good. He had a little troubles with showing me some more samples. He is not familiar with computers well.

Pelo couldn't show me pictures during consultation, but he told me that, he's gonna to send me via mail some of examples - I'm waiting

and now 2 little differences between them and one big..

First Ianetti is able to perform this surgery making only one barely visible incision, but Pelo needs two visible (and of course one inside mouth). In Pelo's approach, one will be on my lower eyelid (to get acces to orbital floor), the second almost invisible on eyebrow.
At first Iannetti also talked about two incisions, but I told him that once I got hypetropric scar, so he told me despite there is still extremely low risk that it will develope on the face, he can do most of the surgery making access from incision inside mouth. He will use endoscope to get to orbital floor

The second difference is Pelo told that during surgery turn out whether I need augumentation floor (by putting special biomaterial - very thin sheet, or piece of animal bone, or just nothing, perhaps it wil be not necessary) . By contrast, Iannetti claims that augumentation won't be necessary for sure in my case. Displacement is not big and he just will move the bone in the same way as it moved after fracture, but just in opposite way.

Additionally, Iannetti  showed me on computer how big is my assymetry (only 4mm) and that he can make some calcultations to be sure how much this bone can be moved to be sure if he will not overdo which may cause too much orbital volume. When orbital volume is too big then eye has too much space and it starts to sunken a little. So he just now that it's 4 mm

Pelo didn't show me any calculations, but told me that he see how much this bone can be moved comparing to the other side.

So these are only minor difference - I think minor. One use some calculations on the computer, the other only his "instinct" and experience ;)
The big one is the price. They prices vary much from them.

Druing surgery no nerve will be severly destroyd. I may have only slight loss of feeling after surgery which is good results...even zygomatic small ones, which MM wanted to destroy despite there are far away from the cut line - still wonder what the heck he wanted to do - this was major thing which made me to cancell surgery with him

Genrally You are not in this topic - I mean malar bones and orbitals
but perhaps You can tell me If for example I may ask Pelo about this endoscope solution, but If he could do that, he would have told me about this option. So probably it doesn't have any sense, and at the same I don't want to make him angry asking such qestions.
Scar on lower eyelid is not very visible (if it will not bocome hypotropic) but it's Ianneti perhaps has better solution, but I don't want to wait

Perhaps decision will be more easy for me when Pelo send me his samples

That option with endoscope and one less scar is quite interesting

What You think ?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 08:56:22 AM by Rico :) »

Gregor Samsa

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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2014, 07:21:30 PM »
Have you asked Pelo about Iannetti's approach? It's not easy picking a surgeon but you should go with the treatment plan that makes the most sense to you. At least you've managed to stay clear of Mommaerts.


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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2014, 11:18:41 PM »
No, because my first appoitment was with Pelo. But Pelo told me that I can ask him some questions on mail after consultation If I remind something. I don't think I should mention Iannetti name in mail to P. ? What You think ?

ah one more thing. The time of waiting for a surgery in Pelo's clinic is very short even 1-2 weeks after decision. hmmmmmmm. Don't know if it sounds good or not ;)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 11:35:04 PM by Rico :) »

Gregor Samsa

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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2014, 02:20:08 AM »
I'm not sure what the deal with Pelo is. My understanding is that he works in a public hospital, but maybe he has started taking on patients on a private basis now (since he also has a new website). Some plastic surgeons in my own country work for public hospitals on weekdays and then do the surgeries for their own clinic on weekends.


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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2014, 03:07:06 AM »
What I know, both of them I mentioned work in public and private clinics. This is why they told me that this surgery can be covered by my national insurance (unfortunately not in my case - welcome to Poland) or as an private
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 04:32:39 AM by Rico :) »


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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2014, 12:07:44 PM »
No one an choose for me a surgeon it's my part unfortunately the worst :P

When the malar bone is broken it move inward (often) (1/3 of orbital floor belongs to malar bone - its connected - one piece) The cracked pieces of the bones overlaps and heals in that position. When You try to move this bone back , you can restore some of the part  which overlapped (including orbital floor) but it's hard to how to explain.....  ok take a picture , then edit it in graphic program. Reduce the size to 75%. Save then open and resize to 100% again. You still have whole picture like before but with some LOSS of bits. Now You understand . When the bone is moved outward and forward then little gap appear. If this gap will be too big then soft tissue under eye may collapse into sinus making eye dropped. However all depends on the movements of this malar bone. If surgeon is very experienced he can move this bone in the way that volume of the orbiall will not increase , then little gap on the floor won;t make any problem . In that way orbital wall heals without problem
This is hard to explain. Needs some lecture ;) to understand.

On the CT orbital floor is not visible in very good way. It is too thin. Barely 1mm. Only during surgery surgeon can see it better.
And Iannetti claims that my displacement is so little that repositioning will not make significant changes in the orbital volume if the bone will set in professional way.
Pelo thinks it's 50% .... than perhaps putting there some thing to keep all tisues over floor will be necessary. Very small pieces of thin bone or biomateriał. Everything turns out during surgery.

Generally for me the less foreign objects the better
Perhaps I shoukd just ask him if he would take special care to avoid putting something there. I mean augumentation there only when it will be necessary for 100%.

Hard thing. Iannetti claims that augumentation may be connecte with some swelling under eye. Pelo didn't say about this anything.
As I see I have to ask some little questions. I ask him about it , and he agreed - I mean I can send to him

But at the same time I don't want to cross the line. I can't demand too much. On the other hand this is one shot. No redo

about MM - I can;t understand it. Because from the beginning I knew it that this kind of surgery has nothing to do with this small nerve. This lighted me red light in his case. This is why I got panic 3 weeks before surgery with him. Because it was so unlogic.
MM generally wanted to cut my lower part of the malar bone, and the rest just break using force.   I and P don't do that. They are gonna cut it everywhere to mobilise it (to free it and set in proper way)

« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 05:04:30 AM by Rico :) »


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Re: Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2014, 12:53:14 PM »
Now I'm at the airport. When I come back to home, I'll show You a part of my face and You will see how this 4mm looks like... this is 4mm in 2-3 directions. Typical fracture of that kind cause then bone moved inward, backward and rotated ;)  Generally becasue in this direction face muscles pull the bone when is not fixed. Generally my displacement is minimal but it happend of the cheek which used to be a tiny bit more flat then on the other side (originally). You will see. For sure its not big deformation.. But I think most of us fights with these 4-5mms  and by moving this whole bone triggers automatically decompression of infraorbital nerve.  Has little Chance it will help, but who knows... this is only slight compression - minimal symptoms. Pelo thinks thath there will be little improvement but rather no 100%....heh but little improvement in my case gives my just 100% of normal function :) I felt that after cortisteroid injection.. Little hope. We will see


PS One girl here - forgot nickname - seen m face. If she notice this post, then he has permission to say something about this ;)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 01:07:37 PM by Rico :) »