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Italian maxfac surgeons: Prof Pelo, Iannetti, Nocini, Sesenna, Clauser

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Some of You contacted with Prof. Pelo. How long you had to wait for his answer ?

No answer for a longer time..

Gregor Samsa:
He is extremely busy and I doubt he reads this forum. It took almost a month before I got a reply from him at one point in time.

He used to answer me after 3 max 4 days :) untill I sent him my doubts, he asked about... so this is why i'm anxious

OK So I'm waiting another 2 weeks. I hope this time he is replaying longer due to longer letter - more questions

I have had several initial consultations via mail and from my experience, I can tell You, that many surgeons can answer at first time and never again if they change their minds not to help You, even If you ask to get confirmation in order to be sure that your message was read - sometimes message can be overlooked.

Gregor Samsa:
Sometimes he answers immediately and sometimes it takes forever for get a reply. It depends on how busy he is.

Has anyone heard about Prof. Clauser ?  also from Italy. He is supposed to be well known on the world


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