Can You tell us who operated You ?I' made some researches about nerve problem, because I have one mildly compressed (due to overlooked fracture) and I'm gonna have to decompression with max 50% possible success at it best - just a gamble
First of all.
Nerves may ba damaged permamently or just compressed with /without permament damage.
This is very hard issue to solve. In most cases nothing can be done, but it depends...
You have to check If there is possible compression, by the bone, or any titanium plate /screw
Possible compression are hard to determine, becase sensation nerves are very thin, and mostly it's hard to show them on MRI, and the small canals where they goes insde are too thin to be visible in most CTs
Make some researches if there is any test for the nerves are affected in Your case. Low probality, but nothing to loose - check
Some important things about compressions.
The longer and harder nerves are compressed, then the less chances that decompression will help.
Generaly If you have any compression but not significant, then after 2 years, there is still (but not big) chances that decompression will help (but if you have compression)
Typical sign of significant compression is very noticeable loss of feeling, If You have that, then for 90% nothing can be done after that time
Mild compressions manifests in BARELY or NO noticeable loss of feeling, and often in some sort of pain and prasthesia, especially when You touch - something like oversensitivity.
However when it comes to nerve all of these thing are just a gamble.
So once again
1) check compression
2) if exists, then look for a very skilled surgeon who can decompress such nerve (if your symptoms testify mild compression)
3) if there is nothing you / doctors can check / establish at least at some level of probality then You have to leave it alone - THIS IS THE DARK SIDE OF SUCH SURGERIES. Medicine is still at very weak level.
Lets take me as en example:
High probality of Infraorbital nerve compression. CT shows that the ION canal (under eye) is noticeable lesser in diameter then the other on the healthy side.
Typical symptoms of mild compression: no noticeable or very low loss of feeling (hard to determine) and constant annyoing (but not big) pain, especially when touch
But compressed for almost 3 years now. However duration of the compression is much less critical in mild compression which shows some data
Also I had some sort of test which showed (indirectly) that my nerve is in good condition. Skull nerves are very hard to test, because there is problem with attaching electrodes - like is done for the nerves in the limbs.
Due to annoying pain and high possiblity of the compression my nerve will be decompressed (in the case of surgery, there is no decision yet), but there is no guarantee that it helps, and also there is a little chance , that surgery will make it worse. So I'm very streesed about that
When I was searching for any surgeon who can decompress the nerve, every second maxfac surgeon refused to help me
I can give You some names of the surgeons who are more prone to help in such situations, but at first You have to know better Your case.
HONESTLY I CAN TELL YOU ALREADY, that chances are low (but no 0%) and the fight is lopsided. YOU CAN TRY TO FIND SOLUTION, BUT PLEASE BE PREPARED FOR UNFAIR FIGHT. Any surgery may make it worse. Sorry for a long answer and that I probably I repeated some sentences, but I was writing what I thought....diectly from my mind SOME SOLUTIONS: - TAKE A CONSULTATION WITH NEUROLOGIST.
- You can try do some small test by injection of long acting cortisteroid near the nerve in possible place of compression. IF there is any reaction and changes to better then there is some "more life" in nerve.
EDITED: And one thing I forgotIf after surgery You had completely numb some of the areas and no 100% function after 3 months that means it was 2nd (often in such surgeries) or 3rd (max, totalled) degree of damage and maybe there is no compression (***). Generally I should have asked about this first, but I forgot
Severely damaged nerves rarely gain its 100% function
*** BUT You could get 1st or 2nd degree of the damage (not very bad) but at the same time nerve was compressed and had not enough place for enough good recovery.
As You see this is very complicated topic and it's very frustrating thing, I knowtake a look on classification of nerve injury: