Author Topic: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?  (Read 5839 times)


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This is the surgery I am trying to decide if I should do it.  My biggest issue is my age 42 and last year I had a implant in a molar that hit my IAN nerve. (it had to be removed 3 days later ) I am 99% healed from it but while healing I had so much nerve pain it scares me to think if I do this surgery that it could happen again.  SO reading these post I am not seeing a single person say they came out of this with NO numbness or altered sensation.  If you came through with no issues please share your experience...Thanks
Class II overbite braces on 7 months and surgery set for end of Jan

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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2015, 11:06:17 PM »
Haven't had surgery yet but plan is to move lower jaw 7 mm and no genio is planned


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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2015, 12:19:46 PM »
when is your surgery?  Maybe we can compare notes.  I am still trying to decide because I don't know how much of a difference I will have and if its worth it.


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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2015, 12:33:35 PM »
From looking at the photo it seems like you already have a strong chin. 4-5mm doesn't sound like much advancement, but if that is all you need to close your overjet then maybe that is all you need. What's your main goal for this surgery, to look better or to get a functional improvement.


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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2015, 12:08:24 AM »
I'm not sure if you're asking whether or not you should get mandibular advancement surgery or BSSO (as implies in your post) or if you've decided you're getting a BSSO and are undecided on genioplasty as well (as implied in your thread title).

If the former...

I'd do it, but I'm also a perfectionist so take that for what it's worth.

If the latter...

I'd think it really depends if you're also getting CCW done as part of maxillary impaction, because that will help project your chin in comparison to your lips and the rest of your face.  It would essentially be similar to looking at your side profile in the mirror and slightly tilting your head backward, except obviously only your lower face would shift as part of surgery instead of your whole head.  Your chin projects more because your entire jaws are rotated.

If you're simply getting mandibular advancement only to correct an overbite, your chin isn't going to look much different if at all when compared to your lower lip, so you should already have an idea of whether or not genioplasty would be needed.  Do you have a deep labiomental fold?  Does your lower lip stick out way past your chin?  These things will provide clues.

Edit: Also, any decent surgeon should know whether or not to add a genio, especially when looking at x-rays.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2015, 12:18:45 AM by kjohnt »


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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2015, 02:00:33 PM »
Thanks for the reply,  no Im not getting genio done.  I meant has anyone only had to do the lower jaw and nothing else.  I am concerned with the nerves other then that I would really want the surgery and not be scared.  This make my decision really hard and also considering I am over 40, so I assume that means more chance of damaged nerves .. I would not want to make this decision and regret it.


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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2015, 02:46:55 PM »
Hi, been reading this thread and I'm currently 3 weeks post op for an overbite of about 11mm
As regards to numbness, I think it's almost unavoidable as the surgery is done right next to a clump of nerves which have to be moved out of the way. Often the nerve is not necessarily cut but more bruised which causes it to essentially switch off.

I must admit I am only young (19) so nerve recovery is often quicker and more likely in younger patients, but I am already beginning to have some sensation returning. The pins and needles is the biggest giveaway and it can be quite intense but is fairly relieving as I get it in all the areas that are numb including my bottom lip.

So if you know you have a good surgeon the amount the nerve is affected can certainly be reduced. And I have to be honest, seeing how much my face has changed, I often forget about the numbness all together!  :)

Hope that helps,



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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2016, 05:38:43 PM »
Josh thanks so much for the reply.  Can I ask you if the numbness is like a feeling when you are done at the dentist waiting for that to go away or is it a feeling that you can live with and still focus on other things.  I hear everyone say numbness but that could mean different things to people.   I know that I would not want the type of painfull numbness like after a filling in your teeth.


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Re: Has anyone on here had lower jaw advanced about 4-5mm and no genio?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2016, 06:31:17 PM »
Sorry for the long delay in reply, been so busy getting back into uni-life and stuff!
I would describe the numbness as almost in-noticeable now, I still have very little sensation, minus the odd waves of tingling, pain or pins and needles. The pain and pins and needles are kind of encouraging as it means the nerve is waking up  :)

The only time I am ever aware of the numbness is when I am resting my chin or lip on something or maybe think about it too long.

Hope this helps again!

Josh :)