They can do a lot with cosmetic dentistry to hide uneven bite/teeth issues. You could look into gum contouring/tooth bonding/equilibration to mask some of the bite issues.
I'm not certain you're drawing the vertical line correctly; it doesn't seem to fall center between the lower teeth...if it did you'd prob see less of a discrepancy. Also, teeth themselves can be variable in size and shape which is also modifiable via cosmetic dentistry.
I went with Arnett and my result is not perfect and I too have some asymmetry issues. I also lost 2 teeth and will need to get root canals. Also, my tmjs are in terrible shape after having gone through surgery...but overall it was a win as my airway expanded by 4x and my face is much more balanced esp in profile. Basically, I suggest you not get the surgery redone. Besides more numbness you could lose viability in a few teeth, suffer tmj breakdown plus the downside of putting your body through general anesthesia and surgery again. I know this is a really personal decision but I do strongly believe you can mask many of those dental issues with cosmetic dentistry.
Thanks for your input.
I drew the line between my midlines on the upper midline only. The teeth on the upper jaw are at more of an angle than the lower jaw. The upper and lower midlines aren't entirely lined up with each other (though they're both not centered with the skull line).
Did your OS mention the possibility of your condyles(?) not being seated properly during surgery?
Mine said it's possible when everything softens up under anesthesia that things get unseated during the cutting. And I guess it's not entirely preventable..or fixable if it unseats midway through surgery?
(TBH I don't really understand what all this joint seating talk is, I can't visualize it, but I guess it makes things uneven).
About the cosmetic dentistry, did you just go to a dentist then and not an ortho? I have seen on the Archwired board that some orthos do TADs and can actually shift the whole arch over a few millimeters which would fix the midline issue and then some cosmetic dentistry could mask the slant I guess.
I just don't want to do a ton of bonding, veneers, shaving because my teeth are actually in really good shape. I'd rather anchor everything and pull it over and have a little 3mm empty spot in the back of my mouth on one side, but maybe that's a stupid thing to do.
I'm really sorry to hear about you losing teeth in the process
( And the TMJ.
I think my joints survived but I did have terrible earache type pain for a good 3 months after.