I think CCW and genioplasty is the perfect treatment plan. I'm not sure how much rotation you will be able to get because you don't have massive amounts of gum show and you don't want to flare your upper teeth too much. If you 'hate' your chin now, I doubt you will be happy with it if you just get upper jaw surgery. My advice is to get both and the fact that he proposed that, instead of being some quack surgeon who proposes every procedure under the sun, is a sign that he is someone you should seriously consider. Also, given that you are not really changing your bite that much, and so there doesn't need to be as much communication between your ortho and surgeon, you could also consider going abroad to save money, or even going to a less famous English surgeon (not one based in the south). These are movements that every maxfac should know. If you do go abroad, however, the costs do add up. I worked it out the other day and I've had to travel to the foreign city where I had my operation 7 times thus far. For a lot of people in a lot of jobs, this is not really an option but maybe it is for you.