Author Topic: orthodontist "partial treatment"...what would you do?  (Read 1125 times)


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orthodontist "partial treatment"...what would you do?
« on: December 28, 2014, 04:48:15 PM »

I had braces for maybe like 18 months at age 15 or so. I got invisalign. I remember the orthodontist telling my parents something along the lines of that it wouldn't fully fix my overbite or something. My teeth weren't too messed up.

long story short, inviisalign was fairly uncomfortable. It gave me a kind of awkward bite, like resting position of my teeth, and I think f**ked up my tongue posture. I'm not sure what he did. I wore my retainer for a while then stopped. I have a narrow palate / narrow smile right now and I thought it was probably because my teeth had shifted, but I found a mould of my teeth from after invisalign treatment and they look more or less the same. My wisdom teeth also came in slightly impacted (didn't get them removed) which may have narrowed things A BIT.

me now: on a day to day basis, I have tension in my jaw / discomfort in my mouth that pretty much just accumulates throughout the day and is fairly uncomfortable. my recessive jaw may cause me minor breathing / sleeping difficulties. I have a weak profile caused by my weak chin / recessive jaw that was never treated.

I am 22.

I figure if I can somehow get a good treatment of these problems, I will not only live a more comfortable life but be significantly more attractive.

Here is a no jutting  / jutting comparison of my profile. Notice how my nose is brought completely out of harmony by the weak jaw.

Without jut:

with jut

I realize that many of you will recommend a chin implant. I personally feel that this is too vain of an option for myself and could not justify treatment if it was not also correcting a functional problem.

I think I will be scheduling an appointment with a surgeon when I am back from vacation

if my insurance wouldn't cover a bsso, how much could it cost?