Author Topic: POST-OP PPL!!! Do you think surgery is worth it for my situation? (pics inside)  (Read 2325 times)


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When I was 7 I had my tonsils removed and the "punching bag" looking thing in the back of my mouth cut down because I couldnt breathe well,
Was snoring every night and couldn't chew my food quickly. After that I seemed to breathe fine throughout the night.

I was told very young by an orthodontist to have jaw surgery to fix my teeth and my mom thought it was absurd and laughed.

Middle school I had braces for 3 years. Once they were off my tongue thrust made my front teeth start moving upward and outwards (due to "crowding of the teeth" and not much room for my tongue according to dentists).

My lips have never closed normally, I have always been a mouth breather which is bothersome but not the end of the world. I'm always tired when I wake up but I thought it was normal for many. My airway is narrow and my dentist said jaw surgery will obviously help that and I'll breathe much better. To be honest I never knew I had a breathing issue. I took a pulse accemetry test at night and it said my heart rate escalates and disturbs my sleep throughout the night when I don't get perfect air. But it's not super severe just minimal.

I have neck pain at night but I thought maybe I just have a bad pillow or had a long day.

So basically my issues aren't super severe and definitely manageable. Mouth breather, tongue thruster, lips don't close (have always dreamed of them closing with no effort though), neck soreness at night, always tired (bags under my eyes everyday, from my interrupted sleep?)

I'm not sure if these issues are related to my jaw and If they are maybe they will get worse?

After reading pretty bad stories of how surgeries turned out I can't help but think maybe having no sensitivity in parts of my face permanently is way worse than my current issues.

I would hate to regret my surgery and become worse off.

So what I'm asking from those who have gone through jaw surgery and have had my current issues with feeling tired all the time and neck soreness is it a night and day transformation? Is it worth it to undergo such an intense surgery for my issues? Do you feel that if you were in my position you would or wouldn't get it?

And on a very good day (makeup & hair does wonders)..


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Hey, first of all you are gorgeous. If it is something that has bothered you for a long time and causes you issues I would suggest you consider doing it. It is a big surgery and takes time to get used to quite big changes. I read a lot of blogs and that helps you understand what you may go through but you can't fully know until it happens to you. It was hard to recover but I guess it all depends on how important the surgery is to you and what you are hoping to get out of it. For me I wanted to mouth breath less, feel more comfortable when my mouth was at rest and not feel so self concious about my appearance - I feel like it addressed all of these issues. Remember, however, it doesn't mean everything will look perfect. My nose is a lot more in proportion with my face now but it still has a bump and is slightly crooked (some peoples change with the movement). Also my lips still don't completely close at rest- however it's a lot better and feel much more comfortable. Some people can have unrealistic expectations. It probably took me at least 4 months until I felt like my new face was me.
I am quite happy now- it has been about 8 months now and everything had healed however I do still have some partial numbness in my chin- I am still hoping it will come back completely.
Hope this helps. I think it's ultimately your decision- you look great now but only you know how it feels.


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My tumblr page has some pics that may help you see the changes-


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Do it, you have the potential to look incredible.


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Hi.    I've had similar issues to you but I'm a bit older.      Age has worsened things.   I just had surgery.  Literally.   Like 4 days ago.  I had the same concerns as you about not making g things worse.     If you still log on here, I can try to answer questions for you.