Author Topic: Help!! My bite keeps trying to move back!! BSSO and Genioplasty  (Read 2616 times)


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Hi Everyone

I had lower jaw surgery and genioplasty done almost 3 weeks ago to fix my overbite.

Last Tuesday, my elastics snapped off and couldn't get them replaced with new hooks until Thursday. During this time my bite has moved considerably to the point I developed a small open bite. Thankfully after seeing my surgeon, within the space of 3hrs my bite has corrected itself.

Now the problem
Every time I take my elastics off for just 30mins or less, I can see and feel that my bite shifts away again!  I know it's still early and my muscles are still being trained but it feels like I can't keep my jaw in the desired position atm. Not to mention my back molars are touching.. I've read that the back molars should not be touching during this time!

Is this normal?? This is making me really concerned and upset. I'm really scared to take my elastics off!

