Author Topic: Need advice ASAP  (Read 1093 times)


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Need advice ASAP
« on: February 28, 2015, 06:08:50 PM »
Hey all,

I have a second appointment with a maxillofacial surgeon this coming Wednesday.

I have a malocclusion ever since I can remember (overbite/recceced jaw with a narrowish palate), was a mouth breather and have a slight lisp. I had braces when I was 13 (I'm 22 now) which apparently only addressed the teeth, making it look like I have a nice bite while the jaws are still misaligned (you can tell from looking at my profile).

During my first consult with this doctor I made sure to tell him this is not a cosmetic procedure but a medical one, stating breathing and migraine and some functional problems (I have Oxford medical insurance which he then mentioned he was responsible for writing the criteria for insurance coverage). However I still don't know what my chances are like for insurance covering something like a Bsso/SARPE/Lefort 1 etc... he wants me to do a sleep study for something like sleep apnea which I don't think I have.

Anyways my main question-other than what are my chances to get some coverage- is that my ortho when I was younger fixed my 5 mm overrate by moving the teeth around... so even if I did end up getting coverage for a Bsso is it possible to move the teeth back to its original positioning (without removing any teeth) and then bring the mandible forwards? Or should I move the maxilla in conjunction with the mandible to keep the bite I currently have?

Also.. my wisdom teeth are impacting (go figure) and I most likely need them taken out. Have any of you heard of negative facial appearence consequences of removing them?

Essentially what Im saying is I really want this procedure, and insurance coverage is really key. What should I be talking to my doctor about on Wednesday? I want to make the best out of this next appointment.

 I will post pictures if needed


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Re: Need advice ASAP
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2015, 10:10:54 PM »
I can't really address specifics.  It's really a case by case basis and it depends on the specific wording of the plan.  I'm a little confused by your post, do you still have a dental overbite?  Or was that corrected through orthodontics?   What do you mean by nice bite but jaws are still misaligned?   Because of braces, extractions, and headgear, I have recessed jaws but an aligned bite.  That makes it much harder to get insurance coverage. 

The sleep study is undoubtedly one thing he's pursuing to be able to get you coverage, if you have sleep apnea that's a good case for surgery.

I would just ask him point blank what your odds are.  It's in his benefit to be able to get you coverage for the surgery. 


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Re: Need advice ASAP
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2015, 01:14:31 PM »
Thanks Alue for the quick reply

My lower jaw and chin are still recessed, the orthodontist when I was younger just tilted my upper teeth backwards at an angle and my bottom teeth forwards to appear as if I have a nice bite. It turned the 5 mm overjet to like a 1-2 mm but the jaw is still recessed leading me to some airway problems and an unpleasant appearance.

If it becomes the case that the insurance will cover it, is it better to keep this bite and move both jaws forward? Or would i only need a bsso AND need to have braces to redo what the ortho did to me at 13 and create an overjet again to then move the lover jaw forward.

Also have you heard of any non surgical palate expansion methods or devices working on 22 yr old adult males? I would love a wider palate as I can feel my breathing become significantly better and it looks much nicer and fuller too. Everything I read is SARPE or nothing as an adult past a certain age.

Here are some pics i just took now on Photo Booth

/Users/AJ/Pictures/Photo Booth Library/Pictures/Photo on 3-1-15 at 4.06 PM.jpg

/Users/AJ/Pictures/Photo Booth Library/Pictures/Photo on 3-1-15 at 4.11 PM.jpg
/Users/AJ/Pictures/Photo Booth Library/Pictures/Photo on 3-1-15 at 4.11 PM #2.jpg


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Re: Need advice ASAP
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2015, 01:18:09 PM »
Here are the pics (don't think they came out before)

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