thanks to all the replies so far, truly.
i'm surprised that you guys have said i look fine, i was really afraid to put that photo up. maybe the photo isn't really illustrative of what i'm describing. i wish my cell camera would work so i could take a more edifying photo.
i'm still really unhappy with the things i'm talking about. at 28, i don't want to look toothless when i speak. i just don't. it doesn't look good and lowers my confidence level. i don't see others have this, everyone's teeth show when they speak and i've had boyfriends tell me that it is definitely noticeable. the thing is i feel fine about my other features, and this toothless look significantly detracts from my appearance, as far as the "point system" goes. wherever i am on that scale, i lose like 2 points when i open my mouth, lol.
as someone suggested here, i'm going to start out with an orthodontist. since braces seem to have created this problem, maybe they can improve it. i have an appointment scheduled in a week, and this ortho seems really promising. free 1 hr. consultation and they'll take xrays, and they work with a good maxillofacial surgeon so if it's outside the scope of the ortho, he will refer me. it's a good start i think.
@Lazlo, my upper teeth are about 50% obscured when i smile, actually. don't know what the point of getting my teeth straightened when i was a kid was, if it had the effect of hiding the visibility of my teeth. so they're straight now, but are completely hidden from view. great.