Okay I'm taking control of this discussion.
1) First, ZSO: means Zygomatic Sandwich Osteotomy, correct? (who are the docs who do this and who on this board has had it done?)
2) What's ZSSO then: Zygomatic Saggital Split Osteotomy (is this any different? again who are the docs who has had this done)
3) Orbital rim & Zygomatic osteotomy --so far Sinn is the only one we know who does this, who has had it done!!??? Earl only. This is of course A) different from the above in that it takes the orbital rim as well. Can it also position the orbital rim (in my case which is quite low) higher up, so the cheekbones begin higher up as well? It provides upto 8mm projection, we know that, and supposedly earl's upper cheeks and under eye area are fuller. Does this supply all of the benefits of the ZSO as well?
Osteotomy, please indicate who your surgeon was so that we may have a productive discussion and sharing of information here.