Thanks everyone for your replies, I respect all your opinions and appreciate you taking the time.
I guess I should really change my Subject as I'm fairly adamant that I'll be pursuing some sort of Jaw Surgery and I'm looking for suggestions and advice on what procedures would aid my cause.
For anyone wondering, I'm in England and will be hoping to consult with Mr. Paul Johnson and Mr. Manolis Heliotis. I thought about Henri Thuau but I've heard the budget can be a little tight with him. Nonetheless, if, after seeing the first two, I don't feel confident, I will seek a third opinion.
Of course, any other suggestions, I'd love to know that are within Europe.
Thank you!
I can tell right now from the morphology face. If you don't have sleep apnea now, you will most certainly develop it as an adult. You have that extremely retrusive profile.
So, yeah you need a jaw surgeon who is ethical most likely need a CCW rotation to really open up that airway. Get a ceph and ask the surgeon what your airway is. If it's a lot less than 12 mm (mine is 4 which is terrible) you're candidate for this surgery. So you actually need the surgery to optimize your health.
Now, cosmetically it will help. But there will be some other issues, your upper lip will become more protrusive. so while your lower jaw will be more defined you may develop a bit of that chimp look. But only minimally.
Don't get extractions under any circumstances.
f**k i'm so good at this now. I'm gonna sign of Dr. Lazlo (Maxillofacial Diagnostician and Pathologist) from now on.
Haha, as a lurker of this forum, I do value your opinion greatly as you do seem to bring a wealth of knowledge here, thank you for that, Dr. Lazlo.
I'm not entirely sure where to get a ceph done. When I consult with a maxfac surgeon, would I be able to have done with them? Or should I see an orthodontist about it?
I've been searching up on CCW rotation as that's something I've seen around here but not really grasped or understood yet.
I will avoid extractions, as you have mentioned. I'd like to not touch the upper half of my face, which I quite like and only feel that it's my jawline, bite and lower half that could really do with some help.
Thank you again.
Edit - I actually wanted your opinion on something - Since I've had previous SG done, would this need to be worked on "surgically" or "corrected" before I can have actual surgical jaw procedures done?
I'm asking since I feel I may likely be needing the chin to be worked on in some way for my profile improvement.
I would also be wondering about sleep apnea in the future. The OP mentioned he had a sliding genioplasty which makes one wonder even more about airway dimensions.
My facial profile is similar but overall more projected. I am still considering surgery for sleep alone as I think it is such a crucial overlooked key to good health and longevity.
post a ceph!
Have you thought of going to a consultation yourself with a surgeon to see if you could benefit from it? If my sleep became interrupted, I'd absolutely consider it.
I'll certainly try and get a ceph, soon as I figure out the best way to do so! Either requesting it from my consultations or maybe my dentist/orthodontist!
Thank you.
s**t, that's AFTER SG? Dude, if you don't have massive problems already consider yourself EXTREMELY lucky. You need double jaw surgery for health reasons and don't wait a decade. I was told when I was 20 that I needed jaw surgery (by a family friend even!). My parents talked me out of it but everything the dentist said would happen happened and it sucks monkey balls. Here I am a decade later with those problems and still need to do the surgery! Your only hesitation should be making sure you get the right one done. You've already had the wrong one done once, don't repeat that mistake. There's a number of surgeon names around the board here to consider but basically, anyone who's doing several jaw surgeries a week should do. We can all tell you what it's going to be, though, 13mm BSSO + LF1 + CCW rotation. As others said, your mouth might look a little too full but it should be an overall aesthetic win for you. Just prepare yourself and don't do extractions as Lazlo said.
I know, man. SG was a rookie mistake and I'll certainly not be rushing into it like I did before. I'm sorry that you went through what you did, I hope that your journey towards improving your health with jaw surgery take steps in the right direction. I will join you on that journey!
I like your call out - 13mm BSSO + LF1 + CCW. Though, I'm still unsure what CCW is, if you're willing to expand a little on that, I'd greatly appreciate it. No worries if you can't, I'll likely be researching it!
Thank you.