Author Topic: should we spend years reaserching about every surgery before starting?  (Read 7753 times)


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i have heard people spend 1, 2 or even 5 years researching before jumping on surgeries but is this really necessary ? i don't see my self spending 5 years of my life just to know every surgery under the sun and what they do, souldn't be the job of the surgeons ?, they are paid pretty expensively for that after all
 we  should just find reputable ones and then they should give use accurate advices no ?
i mean when you car break you are not gonna spend a year studying mechanics before bringing it to the mechanician no ?


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You only get one life. How many cars do you get?


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You only get one life. How many cars do you get?
and it's the reason you shouldn't waste years to "study" anything and everything about plastic surgery if someone can save you this precious time


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Dude u srs?

 U don't have to study for five years but you should have some basic understanding. They're cutting your face up and moving it around. I'd like to know wtf they're doing.

Imagine you didn't learn anything about JS and you had a surgery done. Imagine the surgeon f**ked up your face because he did the wrong procedure or planned it wrong. If you knew the basics of JS you can atleast question his opinion. You have a right to. You're paying him for it. Also you only have one face. It's not some joke surgery like breaking your arm or something.

Don't ask stupid questions.


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Dude u srs?

 U don't have to study for five years but you should have some basic understanding. They're cutting your face up and moving it around. I'd like to know wtf they're doing.

Imagine you didn't learn anything about JS and you had a surgery done. Imagine the surgeon f**ked up your face because he did the wrong procedure or planned it wrong. If you knew the basics of JS you can atleast question his opinion. You have a right to. You're paying him for it. Also you only have one face. It's not some joke surgery like breaking your arm or something.

Don't ask stupid questions.

terry i'm not saying you shouldn't have a basic understanding, you should of course!
what i'm saying is that there are alot of people who are spending an increadible ammount of times to study everything under the sun, they often are members for years and still, i don't know why they don't get their surgeries dones
since i'm new to all of this, i asked if this was the norm and if it was necessary that's all


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It takes 6mo to understand the issues but you're right, no you don't need to understand this stuff. That's why you're hiring people. Trouble is, it's hard to know who to trust when hiring people. I had to learn the long hard way how to pick surgeons by learning the issues first hand. I can save you the trouble with a simple heuristic, one that applies to a lot of domains: find a guy who specializes in this stuff with a good reputation and just do what he says. One surgeon added "near a dental school".

I don't know where you live but there's good options in a lot of major cities. You want a person who only does jaw surgery and who operates several times a week. My city and a city nearby happen to have no such guy, hence the research. Speak to a few former patients, look at some pictures, and check with a few orthodontists and you're good to go. I know of good options in most major American cities, a few seem to be lacking. Outside the US, you likely need to travel to find that guy.

There are many people who just go with whichever orthodontist is nearby and whomever they recommend. And many of them come out just fine, it depends on the kind of problem you have. Some of them don't come out fine but don't realize that they're not, or at least won't realize it for a decade or two. I would say that your attitude about researching suggests that you are not prepared for the realities of a major surgery like this yet, that might be one reason for you to wait and research.


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It takes 6mo to understand the issues but you're right, no you don't need to understand this stuff. That's why you're hiring people. Trouble is, it's hard to know who to trust when hiring people. I had to learn the long hard way how to pick surgeons by learning the issues first hand. I can save you the trouble with a simple heuristic, one that applies to a lot of domains: find a guy who specializes in this stuff with a good reputation and just do what he says. One surgeon added "near a dental school".

I don't know where you live but there's good options in a lot of major cities. You want a person who only does jaw surgery and who operates several times a week. My city and a city nearby happen to have no such guy, hence the research. Speak to a few former patients, look at some pictures, and check with a few orthodontists and you're good to go. I know of good options in most major American cities, a few seem to be lacking. Outside the US, you likely need to travel to find that guy.

There are many people who just go with whichever orthodontist is nearby and whomever they recommend. And many of them come out just fine, it depends on the kind of problem you have. Some of them don't come out fine but don't realize that they're not, or at least won't realize it for a decade or two. I would say that your attitude about researching suggests that you are not prepared for the realities of a major surgery like this yet, that might be one reason for you to wait and research.

you are right, iam still learning the basic, but still im pretty sure of what surgeries i need to address my issues and they are rather simple ( i think)
i'm not aiming for perfection nor for incredible transformation, so i think that a consultation with 2 or 3 top maxfax surgeons & Oculoplastic surgeons will do the trick, i'm from France but im not going to get my surgeries done here, rather in the US where are best
(but i heard that the best for jaw implant, assymetry etc is italian)

now for speaking  to former patients that a little tricky, where do i find them ? people here who had surgeries done rarely show their faces for whatever reasons, maybe they are some high profile celebrities lol


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what i'm saying is that there are alot of people who are spending an increadible ammount of times to study everything under the sun, they often are members for years and still, i don't know why they don't get their surgeries dones
there are some people here who are very obsessed with the topic but never do anything... just ignore them.


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Study and research and talk to those who have done it.   Try to find people with your issues in your age range and see what their experiences have been like.

These surgeries are a big deal and should not be entered into lightly.    I don;t care how many of these are done a year and how many seem to be successful - you need to know your risks.

Also, its one thing to talk about nerve loss whether it be temporary, temporary some some form of partial return or permanent.   It is one thing to talk about - it is another to experience.

The recovery is a long one and you better be ready for that too.         

Years of research.  Maybe but most likely not.     But you will be dealing with the results of the surgery  - -good or bad -- for years.


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Some of us are more OCD than others. 


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I think most people who seem like they're taking years are actually just using that time to save up enough money, and in the meantime researching the surgeries. It's a solid approach IMO.

Gregor Samsa

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Some use the time while they're in braces to research their options. This might not be such a good idea though since the orthodontic work might have to be coordinated with the surgery plan.


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Study and research and talk to those who have done it.   Try to find people with your issues in your age range and see what their experiences have been like.

These surgeries are a big deal and should not be entered into lightly.    I don;t care how many of these are done a year and how many seem to be successful - you need to know your risks.

Also, its one thing to talk about nerve loss whether it be temporary, temporary some some form of partial return or permanent.   It is one thing to talk about - it is another to experience.

The recovery is a long one and you better be ready for that too.         

Years of research.  Maybe but most likely not.     But you will be dealing with the results of the surgery  - -good or bad -- for years.

99% of REAL people who do these surgeries are either not on these forums anymore if their results are good or they are scared to show their face


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I think most people who seem like they're taking years are actually just using that time to save up enough money, and in the meantime researching the surgeries. It's a solid approach IMO.
Some of us are more OCD than others.

I agree with both points. The amount of time one can dedicate to jaw surgery will be based on their level of interest, concern, types of issues they're looking to resolve (or avoid dealing with). I would say before even putting braces on spend a good year reading up online/picking up books/consulting before even entertaining jaw surgery. With the utmost sincerity I will say this too even if you are a candidate for jaw surgery, it may not be RIGHT for you. While there are some real stories of success I've come across a number of horror stories that would have you scared s**tless. Engaging in extensive research will help with the planning portion to communicate expectations/vision/etc- but when it comes to surgery any number of errors (out of your control) that can throw things off, or your body refuses the new positioning, or the soft tissue changes are terrible. There is some predictability but a lot IME can be random good/s**t luck. Most of what we all see online are the BEST and WORST cases, everyone else in the middle or those who dont share anything online are essentially non existent and it skews things for sure.
We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.


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99% of REAL people who do these surgeries are either not on these forums anymore if their results are good or they are scared to show their face

I think AVEL is right.     People with good result just move on.

I'm in the midst of recovery so I am still here and waiting to determine how I feel about it.