maxfac said I should go see an orthodontist to see if treatment is indicated
I go back to my old orthodontist. he's very friendly and happy to see me.
he shows me my before treatment photos. my bite was pretty good. he shows me after treatment. looks like not much has changed.
he takes current photos. there has been some shifting. but he goes through each photo and says "this bite is pretty good".
regarding my functional issues, he brushed them off and said he recommends me go see another guy who might recommend a sleeping device.
regarding the uneven bite (more pressure on front teeth than back), he looks at photos and says "the bite is pretty good". I was thinking maybe there might be some sort of filler procedure at least?
regarding muscular tension and feeling that my bite holds back my lower jaw, he said the device might help if i am clenching at night.
he said nothing can realy change since my bite is good, so changing one thing would change everything.
brought up my airway briefly but he didn't seem concerned and i didn't want to sound crazy since i essentially came in for a 5 year checkup only to hear him say "your bite looks pretty good".
maybe after all this I will be better off living with my mild functional issues, hoping they don't get worse, and perhaps getting a conservative sliding genioplasty?
should i maybe try seeing a maxfac or should I just learn to live and be happy with what I have? in the grand scheme of things, even my profile is in the lower range of "normal" looking. I also have a SLIGHTLY gummy smile. I do have quite the medley of symptoms, but thus far they are all within a fairly normal range whereas surgery is incredibly invasive.
still I was hoping that he might offer a 6-month invisalign correction course as a treatment?
Why was he utterly uninterested in pursuing any treatment?
Maybe he was just being honest?