@terry No, you don't deserve ANY blame for mouth breathing. You were very young when the problems started. The hospital gave your parents a bulb for a reason, to suck the mucus out of your nose so you can breathe more easily. That was their first hint (ok, so kids can die before 6mo since they're obligate nose breathers). I know sooo many parents who have had their kids tonsils removed because they were snoring or mouth breathing. When I tell them about all this jaw crap, they had no idea. They just didn't want their kids to suffer like that. Because that's the kind of stuff that parents are supposed to do! I know a few who are doing allergy shots already even, though that comes later (5+). Incidentally, I had my tonsils removed when I was 2 but, as Stanford mentions, relapse is likely absent other treatments. I mean, mouth breathing is practically an insult in Western society.
@needagameplan You should first visit Dr Gunson. Seriously. Of all the surgeons I've visited, they provide the best package up front which you can shop around to all the other surgeons. I mean, you'll get every picture and image professionally done under the sun, it's truly amazing. Just don't make any commitments on the spot, they're very polite but it's easy to make a premature decision. Visit a few, see which one you like most. It could be them, it's just a very personal decision that shouldn't be taken lightly. You'll get 3 hours and as you know, not much interaction afterwards so do your homework and show up with your questions. I literally just went to find out why I have sleep apnea, was totally unprepared to be there. I actually had no idea I was really doing a surgical consult lol but I'm glad I did. Dr Gunson is a great guy and you'll learn a lot from him.