How did you get into this whole jaw / maxfac surgery thing, if you don't mind me asking? Were you referred to a surgical solution by your ortho or did you figure it out yourself? You look early twenties, when I was that age I was so oblivious about these things (sadly) and played video games instead :/ .
That is highly unfortunate.

I noticed that there was something amiss about the way that I looked--none of my ancestors had crowded teeth or "no chin", as I identified the issue back when I was eighteen. A couple of years later I finally received my braces, and researched the whole issue thoroughly. Since my upper lip looked "flat" in profile, I decided that I would probably require a CCW rotation of the lower maxilla, something that my surgeon (a talented and reasonable man) agreed to.
I am Scandinavian, so the whole entire ordeal didn't cost me anything at all (thank you, extensive public health insurance). The bite issue was the cited reason, but in reality I was naturally primarily concerned with my facial appearance.
WRT what you wrote about relationships, i don't think your post bimax looks are the problem. From your posts you seem highly intelligent and that's probably your biggest problem when it comes to attracting girls your age.
Yeah, well, I don't exactly look repulsive. It's just that my personality is so damaged from bullying and emotional starvation. It is of the essence that I obtain a facial attractiveness that would suffice to compensate for this.
I wouldn't say that I am necessarily particularly intelligent, but I will definitely concede that I have an overwhelming disposition to analysis. In common parlance, I "think too much".
Chin Wing is a good idea. If you had upper jaw recession before, maybe you could benefit from malar augmentation but I can't see that from the pics. Improving the under eye area would also be possible.
To be clear, none of this is really needed because I think you look fine already. But you sound like good enough doesn't cut it and you are still young so it might be worth it to go all out.
Chin wing is definitely one of the procedures that I will opt to get. My bizygomatic width is average for an early 20s male (13.8 cm), but I do think that I could use another cm of lateral projection as well as some additional forward projection of the zygoma. However, this will make my already close-set eyes (PD is 5.9-6 cm) look even more close-set if I don't get the orbital rim osteotomy to move the orbits a few mm apart as well.
Going all in is my middle name. When I have decided to do something, there is no stopping me, to the extreme frustration of my close friends and family. They want me to "fit in", live an ordinary life and accept the fluke of beauty for "what it is", something that "doesn't really matter".
Ideally I would want to arrive at a stage where I can manage my day to day life. I am interested in theoretical physics, (natural) theology, and philosophy and would very much want to pursue such a career. However, as it stands, I feel that I must first achieve a synthesis of something closer to my ideal body image with the material dimension that is everything that anyone is ever going to perceive of me.
If it makes sense, I have a strongly "conceptual" self-image. This is probably a byproduct of contemporary narcissism, but it has conquered me entirely, so I cannot stop now.