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My Upper and Lower Jaw Surgery Experience

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Hey everyone! I had upper and lower jaw surgery done a number of years ago, and I just wanted to share my experience to provide others with insight as to what exactly the procedure entails. I hope my experience helps someone out:


--- Quote from: 27F on July 03, 2015, 12:24:25 PM ---Great results- you look really good.

--- End quote ---

Thanks a lot! Have you already had it done, or are getting it done?

What were your movements?  Who was your surgeon?  Overbite, undebite?  Any before photos? You look great.


--- Quote from: 27F on July 03, 2015, 04:19:12 PM ---
Not yet. I'm in the stage of finding someone.  Who did your bimax? And what were your movements?

--- End quote ---

I had it done by a great surgeon in British Columbia. His name is Dr. Draper. Guy's been doing this his whole life and clearly has a lot of wisdom in this field. I think my lower jaw's relapse was about 2mm to the left or right (don't quite remember as it's been nearly 3 years since my procedure).

First time hearing that someone would do Lower jaw surgery first, wait and than get upper. Makes sense.

But you can't really do that if your not going to someone locally. Also I had a gut feeling you were from Canada.

Any before pics?


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