@ForeverDet Did you have surgery this week?
I had double jaw surgery so I had to re-train how to swallow, breathe, etc all the while you're completely congested, nauseated from all the blood trickling down your throat, and swelled up like a balloon. The pain isn't more the issue as it is simply just uncomfortable... painfully uncomfortable.
I had my first appointment with Dr. G and everything looks great. My bite was "perfect" in the operating room and although the joints are swollen now, they'll eventually settle into the perfect position. So it'll be another week of Ensure, clear liquids, and green kale juice before I'll be able to possibly go to a blended diet. Now that I'm back home, I'm looking forward to a better and more comfortable recovery process. Also, my nerves are starting to come back in full force. The tingling sensation and sensitivity of the teeth it causes unfortunately cannot be addressed by painkillers. Anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this as it's becoming unbearable. The surgeon's office recommended baby Orajel but it doesn't seem to have much have an effect.
Until next time!