Author Topic: can braces pull your maxilla forward?Please read  (Read 5318 times)


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can braces pull your maxilla forward?Please read
« on: August 16, 2015, 02:47:25 AM »
I never had braces while growing up(s**tty dad)
I broke my teeth at the age of 18 so i went to the dentist for the first time and he took my x ray and told me i had an over bite and my upper teeth were arched, he said he would try and pull my upper teeth forward which scared me because i thought i had upper teeth outwards already(overbite) and that would make my smile even worse

so today i read an article about having the upper teeth being pulled forward(pulling maxilla forward) and how it increases overall aesthetics.
Do you think i should get my arched upper teeth fixed? It is going to cost me a s**t ton of money just to get the wisdom tooth removed(dentist said they were the reason why i developed an overbite and crooked lower teeth)

I am 20 atm turning 21 in a few months


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Re: can braces pull your maxilla forward?Please read
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 02:26:29 AM »
If you already have an overbite why would you pull your teeth further forward??