Author Topic: anyone on here have surgery overseas?  (Read 1419 times)


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anyone on here have surgery overseas?
« on: August 23, 2015, 07:33:38 AM »
i am just in the beginning researching phase of this whole jaw surgery thing.  i couldn't get in to see my states maxillofacial surgeon until December but i believe in the months leading up to my consultation i will end up doing enough research that i'll find there is no possible way for me to afford the surgery in the first place  :'(
i do not have good insurance.  they will pay nothing which i am not surprised by.  but it appears that the best case scenario/cheapest/simplest of jaw surgeries will run atleast $30,000 (am i wrong here??) in the US.

i've floated through the forum and see where many people have inquired about different overseas doctors but i'm curious if anyone has actually done it.  it seems it would be difficult to plan such a surgery remotely.
does anyone know how much cheaper it actually is to go elsewhere.
i'm open to any areas (Asia? Hungary? Germany? .... ?)

thank you.  i feel very lost.  though i've lived with a facial deformity my whole life its suddenly become all i can think about now that i've decided i'd like to do something about it. 

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Gregor Samsa

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Re: anyone on here have surgery overseas?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2015, 07:36:40 AM »
There are a few here who have traveled half-way across the world to have surgery. Surgery in Germany for example is quite affordable compared to what you would pay uninsured in the US. Most people who travel that far do it for the competence of the surgeon though.


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Re: anyone on here have surgery overseas?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 12:15:30 AM »
You're coming from Alaska as I recall? Hmm... I think there's a few decent surgeons in Canada. My cousin had his done in Costa Rica. Surgeon there is good and relatively cheap. I looked at a surgeon in Spain, he's really good but not much cheaper I think. For aesthetics, you'll be paying out of pocket for the surgery itself plus the medical bills. Assuming no complications, you'd be looking at $100k - $200k in the US, possibly several times that if you need revisions. The cost would be about 1/3 in Costa Rica. You'd need to stay in town for 3 weeks post-op, arrive 1-2 weeks pre-op. Then follow up visits a few times afterwards. Have someone local who can respond to emergencies lined up. You won't want to be stuck in the wilderness with an untreatable infection or a dislodged plate.


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Re: anyone on here have surgery overseas?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2015, 07:16:09 AM »
I had mine done in Taiwan not too long ago. And as molestrip said, there's a lot of extra factors that you need to take into consideration before doing it overseas, not just the cost. With that being said, the surgeon knew his stuff and the cost for the surgery was about $11000 USD. It was also the surgery-first method so it's much more appealing for overseas patients.