Author Topic: Hello~  (Read 7519 times)


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Re: Hello~
« Reply #30 on: October 14, 2015, 07:50:41 PM »
Hey jamie,

Good to hear from you again. I'm sorry to hear that your outcome hasn't been what you expected. What did your surgeon say regarding your concerns? That dimple sounds like an ortho issue actually.

We actually had surgery around the same time and I still have some considerable swelling so I know how you feel about that. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to let the chips fall where they may. My surgeon says to give it at least 6 months before any serious scrutinization. Furthermore, the orthodontics can also affect things aesthetically. Just in the last week my swelling only started going down noticeably which as a result made my chin less receded. Before, I was concerned my jaw wasn't advanced enough but now I realized my view was skewed due to the swelling. So things can still change and they probably will!


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Re: Hello~
« Reply #31 on: October 14, 2015, 10:23:47 PM »
Hi Chinny , I'm glad to hear that everything is going well on your end. Every time i bring my concerns up to my doctor he kind of brushes it off and says to give it time . When i told him about the dimple , he said it was me doing it , whatever that means.  I have honestly been so depressed  and for the first time in my life I feel like people are actually staring , even if they're not.  I keep avoiding everything and everyone every chance I get . I never wanted any cosmetic changes i just wanted my bite adjusted and tmj solved  :'(   I keep hoping that this isn't it and somehow it will all go back to normal once the residual swelling dissipates but it's hard to stay optimistic  when even my nose looks strange now. Is your chin still swollen? That's the worst area for me  .