Author Topic: How does your regular dental check up go?  (Read 1158 times)


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How does your regular dental check up go?
« on: August 01, 2016, 10:44:27 PM »
I have a consultation with the oral surgeon soon for orthognathic and have been researching the surgery along with braces. One of the things I have read that can go wrong is periodontal bone loss if you start braces with periodontal disease. I dont think I have that but I cant be sure as I dont think my dentist has ever used that periodontal probe to check for pockets. If I do have a problem will the oral surgeon or orthodontist be able to catch it if my dentist somehow missed it? Or should I pay out of pocket for a periodontal exam? The only reason I am concerned is I know I had a pretty bad case of gingivitis when I was a teenager(never took care of my teeth back then) and then I went for years(like 8) without seeing the dentist. When I finally saw the dentist its the guy I go to now who told me I didnt have any problems last time I was there for a cleaning and check up, but then again he never used the probe to check for pockets. Am I just being paranoid?


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Re: How does your regular dental check up go?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2016, 11:03:31 PM »
A good Ortho should let you know if your guns could be a problem.