Author Topic: Question - Recovery period after osteotomy of maxilla & mandible, possible genio  (Read 1645 times)


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Hi Everyone,

My surgery is happening on Friday, I have an overbite due to sucking my thumb as a kid my top teeth went out a bit & my bottom ones crowded in a bit. Aesthetically no big deal but it caused problems with my bite. I've had braces for 2 years & on Friday I have my op. My lower jaw is being advanced 2-3mm, the genioplasty will depend on how everything looks.

I'll have elastics on for a while, they'll gradually come off & my surgeon doesn't want me chewing for 4-6 weeks.

I know everyone heals differently but I was wondering from those with experience, how long was it before you were able to talk? I know its pretty grim for the first week but how long did it take before you were up & about & able to leave the house?

I'm super prepared with most practical stuff but not talking & not going out will definitely lead to cabin fever.   :-X



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The first 3 days are the hardest. You won't want to do anything. Make sure you have someone with you to help you. Day 5 is when I noticed I was feeling better.


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So your just having single, lower jaw surgery with possible genio? If so, recovery will be relatively "easy" compared to most people who have double jaw surgery.

Of course the first few days and up to week will be the hardest. Then swelling should be coming down and major discomfort start to dissipate.

My recovery was probably more severe than average so it wouldn't be helpful to describe mine.

Yes someone needs to be with you the first few days probably, take your meds if prescribed for pain, lots of liquids and sleep as much as possible.


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I'm having double, upper & lower, sliding genio if necessary depending on how things look on the day.

I've got the first week sorted as far as someone being with me, I know rock bottom is usually about 4-5 days in. My concern at the moment is when I'll be able to talk again.

Due to spectacular timing I have to move mid-late december, the engine of my van blew up & I have to sign off a deal which has been in the works for nearly a year. I can do a lot with email etc but not being able to talk at all is definitely an obstacle for things like movers, mechanics & morons. 

I'm just trying to gestimate when I might be able to communicate. It takes as long as it takes but planning-wise some idea would be really helpful.


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Oh snap! You're having the works done! haha well then...

Talking - It largely depends on whether you'll be banded or wired shut afterwards because you should be able speak, not well but people will understand you, without moving your lips too much as they'll be pretty swollen/stuff for a week or so.

I'm really trying to remember how long it was until I could speak clearly... it's been 2+ years and I've kind of tried to block out that period because of how brutal it was. I think by week 3 you should be good. Maybe a little sooner. Hope that helps! Someone else should chime in for confirmation.