Hello all. I'm 20 years old male. When I was 13 (and didn't know any better) I had braces and 4 teeth extractions. In my opinion, this has set my whole profile off as I believe the maxilla got recessed from the braces pulling inwards. I have no way to prove this as I don't have the previous x-rays. However, I can provide a current one, taken recently.
https://i.gyazo.com/b706f16daa2804c8a90105e4fccf37f6.pngAs you can see here, the maxilla isn't prominent. Not only it isn't but it also looks sub-optimal to me. Also, notice another thing. See how my teeth point downwards? Here's a better real life example of this:
https://i.gyazo.com/98eb2174ddaca9de5f1d0f882a71f1ee.pngIt also looks to me that after the ortho "treatment" I have developed a WEAKER midface and also these "eyebags" called a negative orbital vector which supposedly is a sign of a maxillary deficiency. (The one below isn't my face, I found it on google, mine is less severe but similar)
Now, what I want to ask is, how I would I go fixing this mess? The best solution to me would probably be to fix the deep bite by possibly intruding the frontal teeth into my maxxila and also try to re-open the 4 spaces of the teeth that were extracted, which means that my upper and lower jaw must also stretch to be able to have those spaces and then put implants in the place of where my perfectly healthy teeth should be. My lower teeth seem to apply pressure on my upper teeth which means that the lower jaw doesn't sit in its correct position because of my wrong bite and at the end of the day I'm forced to hang it low in order to stop my upper teeth from hurting.
I don't know, this whole situation seems like a mess to me. I don't know how I could go fix my profile the way it was before, I mean my profile was never prominent lara croft tier but it was respectable and non-sickly looking.
My profile when I was 11:
https://i.gyazo.com/4fc0b59058ddb2d4a59d2cfd706334d5.pngMy profile when I was 12.5:
https://i.gyazo.com/bda0da90b0a89b38aaaef156766cfa2f.jpgMy profile at 17.5:
https://i.gyazo.com/7d708e3f7fed1d1b05f7b71fb3ac855b.jpgI have circled and underlined the areas with red regarding the negative orbital vector and also the areas where I think some deficiency took place after. Please tell me your thoughts and what way would be the best approach to handle this situation. Can I re-open 4 gaps and stretch my lower and upper jaw non surgically in order to get bicuspid implants? Can I fix this deep bite of the frontal teeth that is so annoying on my frontal lower teeth?
Thank you.