Author Topic: New here:) What type of surgery for jaw that's been dislocated for years?  (Read 944 times)


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Hi guys! I had a fall accident when I was 7 and it shifted my lower jaw to the right. It was never taken care of so I been having a bad bite/ and bad profile all these years (I'm 31). I'll finally see a Maxillofacial surgeon next week ( which by the way has one bad review in this forum). My question is, will I need major surgery or will he just put it back in place? It makes a popping sound every time I open and close my mouth. I saw and Orthodontist a few years ago and he told me I might need to have my jaw cut and have metal put in.  Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!


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"Putting it back in place" and major surgery are presumably one and the same.  I'd get a few opinions and go with somebody you trust.