Author Topic: My jaw closes slightly to one side post-op, is this normal?  (Read 1183 times)


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My jaw closes slightly to one side post-op, is this normal?
« on: January 15, 2016, 06:36:24 PM »

I had surgery to move my bottom jaw forward 1cm 5 weeks ago and have begun to notice that, with or without elastic a, my bottom teeth are meeting about 3mm right of where they should be.

I am not sure whether this is common and will correct itself when I regain more use of my jaw (the muscles on my left side appear to be more affected than my right)?

Hope somebody can clear this up for me!



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Re: My jaw closes slightly to one side post-op, is this normal?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2016, 07:45:26 PM »
It could be that the jaws are aligned and now the orthodontist needs to do his part to fine-tune, but I wouldn't think that much movement should be needed as it would have been done pre-surgery.  3mm seems pretty significant, and you need to ask your surgeon about this.  Nobody here will provide any meaningful answers, just conjecture.

edit: photos could help though