Author Topic: I hope any surgeon will help , if no then...... who will invest in me ?  (Read 4100 times)


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My butcher reads the forum, so I deleted my plan ;)

doesn't matter.. it;s not good

You know if every one of You send me 500 - 1000 Euro / $ I would have money to save my life

and if one day i wake up healthy and earn a big money (i'm computer programmer which now is disabled) I will give back 2x I got,,

Really  .. it could be so easy, bot noone give me 500E. Kinda investment

My dream is to make big projects.... and earn money on them. It's easy for computer programmer. but I can't , I can't focus on my work due to bad symptoms
I'm terrified
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 03:39:51 PM by Rico :) »


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Re: I have to break the bone myself - i need some advice
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2016, 12:45:37 PM »
I just want to say ''lol''. Are you serious?


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Re: I have to break the bone myself - i need some advice
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2016, 02:51:52 PM »
Lazlo does not have functional problems and he has money. So nothing stressful
His fracture is simple like mine years ago.  after my fracture i didn;t have any big problems like now. I was even calmer than Lazlo  having bigger displacement
my NHS must gives first money to go there :(

i would give everything to back in time and to choose another surgeon. I made mistake

and you understood something wrongly.

If no surgeon will help me, I have no other option. For 90% i need surgery
however I'm checking it by collecting opinions through internet with some surgeons
I can't say that i need surgery for 100% because i need for 90%
10% I left for other possible options.
I have already some that my surgery is botched

The correction may give me even other issues. My life sucks
« Last Edit: April 17, 2016, 07:52:45 AM by Rico :) »


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Re: I hope any surgeon will help then...... who will invest in me ?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2016, 03:19:53 PM »
why?  because our system is f**ked up.
My "new" surgeon who for can help me (40% chances) iis the Professor. He is the member of European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery

nope he doesn't know him for sure. He even does not know his name. Didn't ask.

but look in PM - i wrote you one foreign opinion

Better check . I edited my first post here
so who will help me ?  to let me help him in future ? if somehow i will be again healthy

You know if every one of You send me 500 - 1000 Euro / $ I would have money to save my life

and if one day i wake up healthy and earn a big money (i'm computer programmer which now is disabled) I will give back 2x I got,,

Really  .. it could be so easy, bot noone give me 500E. Kinda investment

My dream is to make big projects.... and earn money on them. It's easy for computer programmer. but I can't  I can't focus on my work due to bad symptoms
I'm terrified
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 03:58:37 PM by Rico :) »


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jesus what a woman

i asked you to tell me your name since you are singer. I was curious how you sing
and you told me that you prefer to be anynomoyus

so i told you you are not anynomotus, i can find you by IP etc etc.. then i could search in Google who recently where use that IP .. etc etc and i would find your songs on YT

but it was joke...  but honestly you are not anynomous in  internet... and you do not have functional issues.  so you do not know anything about it

Honestly i don't care about opinions of smartasses who does not have any big functional problems. Minor issues like scarring is treatable and it won't damage more ... you are lucky.. treat your problem. Don't see the point of writing this sh* in public :) better give me -1..

If you want help me better send 500E I will give you back more one day - this is an energy, real energy
This text is not heplful

« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 03:57:12 PM by Rico :) »


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nope noope  40% that wants do it... but he tells the surgery is easy, but he is afraid that it will be worse for my function

he is just not sure i need correction, so I'm collecting other opinions to make him more sure


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Dude seriously there is a drug you need to try. Either XANAX or ATIVAN it will calm you down and you may notice you don't have a functional problem at all. But only take 2-5 mg a day for a few weeks to help you feel okay and calm down and reassess this with a different mental perspective. Trust me I know for certain that a lot of problems are actually mental. Also, could you just outline what your functional problems are? Right now the left part of my jaw isn't working too well but it's not a huge issue and doesn't bother me, neither does the slight numbness, it's in a part of the face I don't really feel too often. So I'm just curious what this repositioning of the cheekbone has lead to. I can't open my mouth wide either --but again, none of this is distressing.


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Understand , i have really bad months.

Lazlo.. to be honest.. how deviated jaw can be due to stess ? i never heard about such symptoms
i know that people can damage their joints due to stress .... but my joints are OK.. just overloaded due to jaw deviation due to probably muscles issues due to overcorrection.

I have no symptoms of damaged jaw - based on MRI/ CT and clinical examinations

this is a mystery.. XanaX is too weak for that ;)

« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 04:47:38 AM by Rico :) »


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Rico if i was you i would take as many credit cards as possible and just fleece them all and get what you need ; donot fear the debt , just go for it full steam ahead. Even if you dont pay a penny back, after 7yrs your credit file is wiped clean. I know 2 people who have done this , both for surgery. I would probably do the same , other than having messed up my credit when i was a lot younger and now cant - If its something that bothers you that much , save money, borrow money , do cash in hand work ; maximize all your income options . If its a single jaw surgery you need, it IS attainable by these methods. If its a double , maybe not as its so expensive ; but you do have options. Try a professional crowdfunder with stories and pictures


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I got even more details.. I do not want to share... I wrote  his name, so I'm not gonna copy everything, it's not fair

but i can tell You I'm the biggest victim of surgery failure on this forum :/
almost no chance for better life