Author Topic: Surgeons want to perform LeFort 1 - would I benefit more from genioplasty?  (Read 942 times)


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First I fixed my open bite/crossbite after a year of braces.
Additionally to that treatment I've had jaw surgery consultations.
The two surgeons I've been to told me they would perform a LeFort 1 (small advancement), but looking at my measurments it looks unecessary.

However I seem to have a different problem.

Basically the value that's off is my Lafh to tafh which seems to be about 0.6 (0.53-0.57 correct range)

What I've been told:
I measured a few variables and you truly seem to have a markedly elongated lower third of the face without the obvious and common markers of the long face syndrome - recessed chin with flat mentolabial fold, high mandibular plane angle, etc. Even your sagittal maxillary position seems to be fine, but LFS patients sometimes exhibit even a maxillary protrusion! Your CCW-rotated palatal plane is often seen in horizontal growers and LFS patients with anterior open bite. Your bite may have been compensated to a degree it is not obvious anymore or it was just a dental open bite not related to the condition. However, LFS patients quite often suffer from open bite and recessed mandible due to overgrowth of the posterior maxilla that rotates mandible downward/backward - you don't seem to suffer from this.

Elongated lower third is the cause of the disharmony, but the issue is not isolated. Vertical shortening of the chin, or the double jaw surgery with CCW + genio, a bunch of possibilities may exist.